Before this mess ever started

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My brown hair stuck to my forehead, as sweat dripped down my face. My breath was short and shallow and my feet struck the pavement, pounding, but not as fast as my beating heart. 

You might be wondering what I was doing? Well-

My angry brother's voice shouted and broke my chain of thoughts. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WILLIAM!" His angry voice bellowed, and I took off faster. 

Yes, my name was William- William Steves, and the angry brother chasing me down the street- well, that was Michael Steves. 

I entered the house and my father was packing his bags. I came running into his room. Michael would never attack me when dad was around. "Dad, do you really have to go?" I asked. 

"Business will be business," my father was the owner of the Nationa circus and he was planning on a LONG trip to somewhere in Wyoming. 

3 days before he had to leave, and I was dreading being with my older brother, Michael. Michael wasn't the nicest brother to be around. I don't know what I have done to him, but locking me in my own closet for 2 hours wasn't the greatest feeling. 

Michael entered the house, his nose stuck in his purple phone as usual. He typically did that when he wants to avoid getting in trouble with our father. 

"Michael, you're going to be the man of the house, take care of your Mother and younger brother," Dad replied and Michael crossed his arms. Our Father passed me and ruffled my chocolate-like hair, causing static electricity- causing some of my hair to stick up. Our mother had become sick, and a doctor said she might have gotten some kind of poisoning. None of them seemed sure that that was really what it was.

"I love you Dad," I chirp. 

"I love you too Will," my father replied, shutting the door behind him. I felt the whoosh of air as it closed. I looked behind me.

Michael gave me a staredown and grabbed the back of my neck. My shoulders came up uncomfortably and he hissed in my ear. 

"Thanks, loser."

"For what?" I asked confused. What the frick did I ever do to him? 

"Now I have to take you." 

"WHERE?" I shouted. "Quit trying to be all... 'mister mysterious."

"Well, since I have to watch you-" 

"Yeah yeah," I mutter quietly to myself. My brother heard me and smacked me on the backside of the head as the answer. 

"My friends and I are going to go explore the Nationa circus at night, and since Mom is sick and bedridden, guess that means I have to take you," Michael growled and shoved me away from him. 

"Didn't a kid die th-" 

"They're just saying that for news. It's all fake and for publicity." 


"Angelica and all my friends are coming, nothing bad is going to happen, you'll see." Michael stalked off to his room , until I called out.

"Wait-! Are you just trying to impress Angelica?" I shout after him. Kind of in a teasing manner. 

He doesn't answer me and I cross my arms and kick the wall lightly. My brother obviously didn't really care about my safety or any of his friends. Like, what if something went wrong? Being the mature one out of the two of us, guess I'll pack something just in case. 

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