He Lives

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I held the basket with my hand, or the last one I had. For once since I was a child, I was scared for my life. That  firecracker blew my hand up I thought. There was one thing I did know though. That boy was dead. He had sacrificed himself to stop me from killing them. His rightside of his face was blown up, revealing muscles and bones. I saw my hand, all 5 of the fingers blown off. I climbed down the Ferris wheel. Someone had to be left behind I thought. I went to the front gat entrance. I saw the boss laying on his back. I saw the 2 kids off in the distance. I kicked the boss. His eyes opened.

"What's  going on?!" he yelled at me as   I dragged him away from the fence, "let go of me!" I laughed at him.

"I have big plans for you. Someone has to take the blame, and I'm leaving," I laughed at him. I searched for some rope, and then tied him to the telephone pole, "see you later." I grabbed his wallet from his pocket and left him to take the blame. I skipped and then jumped over the fence, not once looking back.

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