Dip, and Dodge Death

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This is not good. We now have to gamble our lives away. And the only way we can keep our lives if we win 4 carnival games. If we lose more than 3 we die. The clowns looked hungrily at us. They had the biggest smiles on their face right now. 

"The rules are simple: you pick one person to play the each game.  Are you ready!" Laughed the clowns. We all nodded. 

"Ready, set, go!" They yelled as they honked their noses with a twisted smile on their face. We picked us to go in this order: Micheal, me, and then Angelica. We picked Micheal to go first because he had the most experience in playing games because our father owned this circus and he was very skilled at these types of games. He walked to the first carnival game. 

The clowns gathered around and laughed. 

"1st one in the pit~" Shorty shouted. "What game should we force them to play?" 

Michael stood silently and waited for the clowns to answer, he glanced back at Angelica and I and nodded softly with a small smile on his face. It was the first time that I've ever seen him smile. 

"Bring it..." he shouted. Confidence was in his voice. It was so... weird hearing him confident in the wrong time. 

"1st game is dart balloon game~" laughed Buttons. The game with the balloon darts lit up and Michael's expression suddenly changed from confident to a little doubtful. His nerves were on end and his hands were quivering, even if he portrayed to be cool as a cucumber . He grabbed the darts. there were three darts and he had to pop at least 2 or we would get a strike. He picked the up and aimed at the middle balloon. He missed and it landed right next to it. He took the next one. Miss. He had one more dart to pop 2 balloons with. He aimed it between them. Pop! Pop! He smiled as he popped them both. The clowns frowned.

"You idiot!" Shorty yelled at Buttons, "You were supposed to rig the games!" 

"Sorry,  I didn't have the time," Buttons told Shorty.

"Well you guys get a ten second head start. We can't do this NOW because someone didn't rig the games!" Shorty yelled. We all ran as fast as we can as the clowns yelled "10!" and laughed.

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