Still No Answers

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It felt like it had been a long time he'd been running. His feet pounded against the once bright and colorful pavement. 

"Angela? Johann?" Michael whispered out. 

Silhouettes danced acrossed the pavement and the Carousel was quiet and not playing joyful, children music. There was quivering and Michael ran quickly towards the Carousel. 

Her legs were pulled up to her face and she started to cry silently.  

"H-hey...?" Michael whispered. 

She glanced up. She seemed malnourished. Her skin was pale as if she had never seen the sunlight. 


She grabbed Michael and pulled him towards her. "You shouldn't of came here... you're in grave danger-"

"Obviously," he snorted. 

She gave him a glare and he shut up any retort and sarcasm that he so wanted to give her. 

"This place. This place's past."

"Who are you?" Michael asked concerned. She seemed high to be honest. 

"I'm a night guard..." 

There was a loud bang, as if a metal object was thrown onto a metal surface nearby. "They're coming." 

"Who?" Michael hissed. "Please. Answer me." 

"The psycho's." 

"My Dad said-" 

"The psycho's they aren't-" It happened so fast. She started to choke and there was a demonic laugh came from behind them. Michael saw a black liquid ooze out of her wound, and a sickening crack of her neck. 

Michael wasn't normally a scaredy cat. He liked to think of himself as cool. Someone who could conquer the world without fear, but he fled for his life. Leaving the suffocating night guard alone with the clown. 

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