Something Bad, Very Bad, Happened

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 It was quiet. Too quiet. Circuses are supposed to be filled with happy music and the scent of popcorn but no, it was filled with the sound of nothing. It was if someone had turned this place into a horrible scary house instead of somewhere you go to have fun. I immediately wanted to leave this place. I wish I didn't jump over the fence. I wish I listened to my gut.

"Guys I want to leave," I cried.

"It's okay. Nothing is going to hurt you," Angelica told me. 

"Cry baby," Michael murmured "If something bad does happen I say we sacrifice him," 

Ivan nodded in agreement and I gritted my teeth.

"Come on we're wasting time! Let's explore!" Johan yelled. She ran around near the main entrance. 

They started to walk so I followed.

"Hey, guys watch this," Johan whispered "BOO!!!" She yelled as she turned around. I jumped. "HA!HA!HA! WHOO! You jumped like six feet into the air! HAHA!" 

All of them except Angelica and I laughed. "Guys that wasn't very nice!" She said. Angelica was the only one of Micheal's friends who actually was nice to me.

"Don't be such a downer or we'll have to dunk you in the dunk tank," Ivan said rolling his eyes.

"Whoo! Let play some carnival games!" Johan yelled as she grabbed a dart and tried to pop a balloon with it. She missed. 

"You suck at that," Michael said.

I scanned the park. There was a splash of all the colors of the rainbow on every tent. There were about 100 tents where everyone who has an act could get ready. There was also a couple of tiny roller coasters and a Ferris Wheel. But the scariest thing at the carnival was the funhouse. You entered it by going into a clowns mouth. The first thing you run into is a maze. I got lost in the maze when I was five and I never went in since. But I do know that beyond that maze there is a clown act that goes on and then it goes into a whole bunch of attractions down 3 hallways and you have to choose which door to go through. Whichever door you go through you get that attraction. Then the funhouse ends. 

"Let's ride the Ferris Wheel!" Johan Yells. "Race You!" 

But just then I saw a dark figure. It was a dark short figure lurking in the shadows. I heard a little laugh and I whirled around. I saw another one and another one pop up. the other two shadows were tall and slender and they all wore little tiny hats on the top of their heads. They stepped out of the shadows. They were clowns. Creepy clowns. They had white paint all over their faces. They had a red nose and red wacky hair. But the worst feature they had was their red paint that was all over their lips and around their eyes. I recognized them immediately the clowns were the shorter one was shorty and the other 2 were oddball, and buttons.

"Your not supposed to be here you punks," Shorty said 

"But now that you are," Buttons says adding onto the sentence.

"We'll just have to kill you like we did the other kid, but before we do let's play a game of hide and seek if we find you, you're dead!" Yells Oddball.

"You're joking right?" Ivan said, but he looked a little jumpy.

"We'll countdown from ten!" They yelled and we all knew that it wasn't a joke. we all scattered in different directions.

 "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 ready or not here we come!" they all counted down at the same time. They practically sung it.

Just then the music of the circus kicked in. But it wasn't happy anymore. It gave me a sense of fear. And the scent in the air was now the scent of death.

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