Fighting Back

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I took on shorty. Not because he was the shortest but because he looked the weakest and the oldest. I smashed into him and knocked him down. He smashed into the ground hard, losing his breath. Micheal and Johanm were fighting against Oddball, barely staying alive. Angelica was fighting Buttons, both sweating from trying to kill eachother. I jumped onto shorty. He thrashed and kicked at me, keeping me from landing a hard punch on him. He kicked me straight in the chest sending me backwards and hitting the ground with a very hard thump of my body smashing into the ground. My breath zoomed out of my body. Shorty stood over me victorious. He grabbed his machete that was hooked onto his belt and lifted it over his head. He brought it up even more over his head to make the finishing move. He cackled. Then he flew to the right side of me toppling over. Micheal stood where Shorty had been, with a bench press bar at his side. He walked over to Shorty, lifted the bar over his head and brought it down on Shorty's head.  The right side of his face squished into the left side of his ugly face, sending red blood all over the place. Micheal brought it down again and again. Until Shorty's head exploded sending blood and pink squishy brains all over the place. Oddball looked over to see one of his colleagues brains all over.

"Shorty! Why you-" he started, but was hit in the gut by a bar that Johann  swung at him.

"That's for Ivan!" she screamed. Oddball glared at her.

"Do you want to know what happened to the teenager who hit a clown? She got what she deserved!" he smiled as the flower on his clown suit shot out green stuff. Acid. Johann screamed as it shot up into her eyes and all over her face.

"I can't see! Help me!" she yelled. I saw why she couldn't see. Her eyes were gone. Gone because of the acid. It had burned her eyes away. Then it started on her face. Her skin burned away as bubbles gathered on her face. She screamed and then went silent. Her body fell to the ground as the acid was still burning through her face. I chocked down a scream.

"Let's go!" Micheal yelled running. Me and Angelica followed him. I looked to see where we were running. The funhouse. We entered through the clowns mouth.

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