The Final Fight

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Our blades met. They made a metal clink! He flipped the sword to his right hand. I attacked. He dodged and stabbed. I deflected and went to bring my knife down onto his head. He blocked at went to stab me in the leg. I parried and smacked him in his ribs with the hilt. He stumbled and fell back. His body was over the basket. I swung and went to stab him for a final time. He blocked it, regained his balance, got back inside the basket, and swung hard multiple times. I stumbled backwards. Now I was hanging out of the basket. He swung it again and again, eachtime meeting my blade. Until the last time. He swung and this time I was to weak to block. His blade went halfway through my arm. The pain shot up my arm and I screamed. I felt hot. My eyes became unfocused and fogged over. I saw him rip off some of my shirt, and tie it around my arm.

"I have plans for you," he chuckled. He stopped when he saw me smile.

"Guess I was really good for something afterwards," I laughed as I set off a firecracker. Oddball attempted to grab it before it blew up. He failed as it blew up his hand.

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