25| Clouds

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Chapter 25: Clouds (Emma's POV)

I was currently walking out to my car with Kendall and the guys were supposed to meet us outside because they had some stuff to grab from the locker room. "Emma." I turned around when Nathan grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. 

"Hey," I smiled. 

"Hey, are you driving me back?" he asked while Brandon came and grabbed Kendall's hand, walking away with her. 

"Yeah, sure," I replied, unlocking my car. We climbed in and then I started driving us back. "Do you want me to drop you off or...?" I trailed off questioningly. 

"Uh, yeah, you can drop me off but um, can I swing by at around 6? We can hang out?" he asked. 

"Sure, I'll be waiting," I replied. 

"Okay, I'll see you then, bye," he grinned, stepping out and walking up to his front door, unlocking it and going inside. 

I went to my house, parked my car in the driveway, and then went inside. I took a shower first and then picked out an outfit for later today. I changed into pajamas for the time being and lay on my bed, scrolling through my phone, I later did a little bit of homework, and then at around 5:30 PM, I started getting ready. 

I grabbed a blue Betty Boop crewneck with a white tennis skirt and pulled those on. I left my hair down as it was but grabbed a plain white hairband and white sneakers. I was done getting ready by 5:50 ish and I didn't have anything to do to kill the remaining 10 minutes. 

Luckily, the doorbell rang. I grabbed my phone and then skipped downstairs and answered the door. Nathan stood there in a black full-sleeve shirt with a jacket on top and a pair of grey joggers. "Hey," he smiled. 

"Hi," I grinned. 

He looked really good. The shirt hugged him nicely, it was a nice skin fit one, a gym tee that showed off his body and the Nike jacket looked warm. I wanted to steal it. 

"Are we staying in or...?" I raised my eyebrows at him in question. 

"We're driving around," he sang, dangling his car keys in front of me. "I got it fixed," he nodded. 

"Okay," I chuckled, locking the house and getting in the car with him. We drove around for a long, long time and then we rounded off at the cafe to get milkshakes. We went inside and placed our orders, grabbing a table. The sun was starting to set, the sky was looking pretty and I was contemplating ruining everything. 

I really wanted to ask him to finish the story he started the night he stayed at my house. The one about Chloe. I wanted to know what happened to her, to them, why they broke up. 

I really liked him, but before I acted on it, I wanted to know how his past relationship went, I was hoping that would tell me a little about what kind of boyfriend he was but I was so scared to ask him. 

"Your milkshakes," a waitress delivered. We're lucky Micah isn't here. That could have been really awkward. 

We talked about a lot of random things, then he pulled out his phone and handed me an airpod and we listened to some music together. After finishing our milkshakes and paying, we walked out. I started to get into the car but it wouldn't open. I looked at him in confusion. 

"The sun's setting, let's just hang around for a minute," he said, smiling up at the sky. 

My gaze followed his and the sky looked freaking beautiful. Sunsets are beautiful here. He climbed onto the hood of his car and held a hand out for me. I grabbed it and slid up, sitting beside him. We both still had one earphone in and were staring at the sky. I lay down and then he laughed, lying down beside me. We both were just there in silence, admiring the sky. 

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