20| Sabotage

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Chapter 20: Sabotage (Nathan's POV)

I like her. Shit, shit, shit, I like her. Like, I genuinely like her. 

"You're falling asleep on the floor," I said, nudging her knees with mine. 

"No, I'm not," she said with a lazy smile on her lips. 

"Yes, you are, Emma, get in bed," I said, nudging her leg again. 

"I am wide awake, see," she laughed, leaning forward, resting her chin on her knees as she hugged them, looking straight into my eyes. "In fact, I think you're the one falling asleep," she smirked. 

I rolled my eyes, "Get in bed," I said while shifting to stand up. 

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back down to my seat. I sighed, looking down at her. "I don't want to go to sleep yet," she mumbled, barely keeping herself awake. 

"Why? It's 2 in the morning," I whispered. 

"But I'm having fun," she said, stifling a yawn, "You're good company," she said, nudging my leg. I stared at her, leaning my head back against her bed. "You're a good friend, Nathan," she said, giving me a small nod. 

"I sabotage a lot of friendships," I mumbled, twiddling my thumbs. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Brandon wasn't my only friend. I used to be really close with the entire time, but I just... I started acting like a dick towards everyone after... I don't know, I just pushed everyone away," I mumbled. 

"Then just... don't sabotage this one," she shrugged. 

"I wish it was that simple," I smiled. 

"It can be. You know what, people are more cautious about things like that when they realize how important the other person is to them. I don't know how helpful that is considering we've only known each other a week but uh... just try," she explained, "Try not getting yourself into situations that can lead us to a fight." 

"Does that mean we'll only fight if I self-sabotage?" I questioned. 

"We'll only fight if one of us gives up on the real... Uh, friendship. In case you haven't noticed, I read romance novels." 

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked in confusion. 

"I once read in a book that a relationship only fails if both people give up at the same time. I think that applies to friendships too, you know? Sometimes one person gives up, sometimes the other person does, but the key is to never give up at the same time. When the other person is still fighting for you, you see the value of what you have. But when no one's reminding you of how lucky you are to have them, or how much they care about you, you think it isn't worth it, when it is. So, let's promise, we're doing this so you don't self sabotage this friendship," she cleared her throat, leaning forward and sticking her pinky finger out. 

Chloe used to think pinky promises were stupid. 

I never told her I disagreed. 

"We won't give up at the same time. Ever. If one of us does, the other person will pull them back. Promise?" she asked. 

I leaned forward and locked my pinky with hers, without a moment of hesitation. "I promise." She smiled, her eyes scanning my face, lingering on my lips for a beat longer. Just a beat. "I should go upstairs," I whispered, pulling my hand away from hers. 

"Make sure my mom doesn't see you, she comes out into the kitchen sometimes to get ice cream," she said while standing up, getting the door for me, leaning her head against it. "Goodnight," she whispered with a smile. 

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