18| Familiarity

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Chapter 18: Familiarity (Nathan's POV)

"And they're leaving," she said as we watched both of them drive off in Brandon's car. 

"Yeah, leaving us to pay the bill," I said, pulling out my wallet and paying for everything. 

"We can split it," she said, taking out her wallet as well. 

"It's fine, I got it," I said, standing up. She stepped out of the booth, carrying the empty cup with her. 

She's gonna call him, isn't she? 

When we got outside, she turned to me. "Is he looking?" 

"Who? Micah?" She nodded. I glanced around and inside as if I were looking for something. "No, he's taking orders," I answered. 

She shrugged before walking to the closest trash can and throwing the cup away. "I'll see you... on Monday?" she asked, walking to her car and I walked with her cause mine wasn't too far from hers. 

"Uh, maybe tonight," I said, scratching the back of my head out of anxiousness. 

She didn't question it. "Okay," she nodded. She halted at her car and turned to me, "Actually, why don't all of you come over? My mom has a late shift tonight at the restaurant. You guys can come by, stay the night or leave, up to you." 

"I'll text Brandon and let him know," I nodded. 

"I'll tell Kendall," she smiled. "See you later, mango," she grinned, climbing into her car. She rolled her window down, looking at me. She was going to say something but decided against it. "Bye," she chuckled. 

"Bye," I smiled. She drove off and I continued walking to my car. I slipped inside and then drove home, not too far behind her car. I stopped at my house, I could see her car stopping at hers. I went inside, heading straight to my room. I went to the bathroom first and when I stepped out, I heard the doorbell ringing. Nobody ever comes over and rings the bell. 

I frowned in confusion, going downstairs and answering it, seeing Emma standing there. "Hi," she chuckled. 

"Hi?" I asked. 

"I'm really bored, do you just wanna come over now? I don't think the other two will be there until later," she said, scratching her brow. 

"Now?" I asked. 

"Yeah," she shrugged, "You and me." 

I get a sense of familiarity when I look at her, it's intensified when I'm alone with her. Like... it's gonna be her. 

"Uh, sure, let me grab my stuff," I said, "Come on in." 

She stepped inside, looking around while following me up to my room. "Is this you?" she asked, looking at a baby picture I had put up. We were at the beach, I had a bucket hat on, I was around 3 years old. 

"No," I cleared my throat. 

"You look so cute," she cooed, leaning against my door. I walked over to her and took the picture out of her hands, putting it back on the shelf. She rolled her eyes but she was smiling. She stood there in silence while I grabbed a bag and threw some clothes and stuff in there. "I'm hiding you in my attic," she said in realization. 

"Congratulations, you're living in a movie," I said sarcastically. 

"Can I snoop around?" she questioned. I shrugged in response. She started looking around at more photos, the books on my bookcase, the stuff on my nightstand. She walked over to the bookcase, pointing to one photo. "Who is that?" she asked. I followed her gaze, noticing a picture of me, Brandon, Chloe, and one of her cousin brothers. 

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