4| Redeem

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Chapter 4: Redeem (Nathan's POV)

Creative Writing is my first period almost every single day of the week. I don't know why I take this class, I don't have much creativity within me but it seemed easier than my other choices which were biology, history, music, and art. 

She walked into class with Kendall and hesitated but took her seat beside me nonetheless, it's not like she's got much of a choice. "Hi," she mumbled. I pretended to not hear her and continued, staring at the pencil that I was tapping against the table. She took a deep breath before laughing humorlessly. "That's annoying, will you please stop?" 

I don't know why, but I actually listened to her and I stopped. I glanced at her, catching her smile. 

She put her arms down on the table and her head in her arms, facing me. "Hi, Nathan," she sang, "How are you today?" 

"Are you insane?" I asked. I was genuinely curious. She cursed at me like a thousand different times yesterday and now she's acting all sweet? 

"I'm the new girl, so I'm trying not to make too many enemies. I don't want to start the list off with you. So, friends?" she asked, sticking her hand out. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Kendall asked her, going as far as to stand up and stand in front of our tables. 

"Trying to redeem myself," she answered. 

That's what it is? She doesn't wanna come off as the new girl who is also a bitch? 

"I don't want him to hate me for no solid reason, nor do I wanna hate him without a solid reason. So, friends?" she asked me again. 

"I don't make friends," I answered, looking around the room. 

"Please? Consider it a favor," she shrugged. 

"No," I deadpanned. 

"At least I tried," she sighed, shrugging as Mr. Cole walked in. Kendall went back to her seat and I caught Brandon's eye. 

'What the fuck?' I mouthed at him. 

He simply shrugged, smiling to himself. 

Did he put her up to this? Because she looks like Chloe? 

"Brandon, that's not funny," I glared at him. 

"I didn't ask her to do that," he chuckled.

"All right, everybody. Listen up, I'm only gonna give these instructions once. Find a partner, one boy, and one girl, please. Both of you will write a detailed description of each other, this is meant to help expand your vocabulary, you can use the dictionary and thesauruses in the room or on your phones." 

The class went into a frenzy, eager to pick partners. 

"Nevermind, I'm picking your partners, sit down!" He clapped loudly, silencing everyone. "Abigail, you go with Jordan..." and this went on until, "The final four. Nathan, Brandon, Kendall, and Emma. Hmm," he fell into thought. 

I swear to god, this man thinks a lot. 

"Brandon, you go with Kendall. Nathan and Emma, pair up," he ordered. 

"Sir, maybe I could go with Emma," Brandon cleared his throat. 

"No," he said slowly, "I see the two of them working better together. Go on now, take your seat beside Kendall please, Brandon." Brandon sighed, standing up and walking over to Kendall. I don't know if he was trying to do that because he didn't wanna work with Kendall, or because he knows I don't wanna work with Emma. 

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