17| Control

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Chapter 17: Control (Emma's POV)

I woke up the next morning to a horrible headache, which was well expected from how drunk I got last night. I groaned, realizing I'll have to get out of bed to get the Aspirin. I turned to my nightstand for some water and found my bottle, a pack of Aspirin, and a note all sitting there. I frowned in confusion, first taking the Aspirin and then picking up the note. I blinked slowly to clear my vision a little bit and then read it. 

'You are a very clingy drunk. I'm never taking care of you again -N' 

Aw, he took care of me? Oh, no. I was drunk in front of him. 

What did I do? Did I say something stupid? Do something stupid? Did I embarrass myself? 

My phone started ringing so I answered it, folding the note and shoving it into my nightstand. "Hello?" I asked. 

"Are you up yet?" Kendall asked. 

"Yeah," I sighed. 

"Do you wanna hang out at the cafe? I'll invite Brandon, he'll invite Nathan. Maybe the coffee will help with the hangovers," she said. 

"I don't drink coffee but sure. When?" I asked. 

"Say an hour?" 

"Okay, I'll see you there." I got out of bed and went into the bathroom where I showered and brushed my teeth and then I came back out to grab my clothes. I grabbed jeans and a sweater, we're like mid-September, it's going to get chilly, the evenings can be. I got dressed and then left my hair down to air-dry. But it looked like shit. 

So I brushed it and then put it in a braid, pulling some loose hairs out. I grabbed my phone and keys and then headed out. My mom was at work, she landed herself a job as head chef at a restaurant when we got here. I was in no mood to make breakfast, especially because I was going to a cafe, so I just grabbed a lollipop. I popped it in my mouth and then left, locking the house behind me. 

I climbed into my car and then drove off. I got there within 5 minutes and then climbed out, locked my car, and went inside. I went to the counter first to get myself something to drink. 

"Hi, what can I get you?" he asked. He seemed to be our age. And cute. 

"Um, can I please get a... medium English Breakfast Tea with one pump of milk?" I asked, pulling out money from my wallet. 

"Anything else?" he smiled. 

"No, that'll be it, thank you." 

"Take away or..." 

"I'll be around," I smiled. I paid the amount and then went and sat at a table. No one else was here yet. I was scrolling through my phone when my tea was brought as the doors opened. I noticed Brandon, Kendall, and Nathan all walking in together. Brandon entered with Kendall, Nathan wasn't too far behind them. 

"Your tea," he smiled. I thought he was running the counter. 

"Uh, thank you," I smiled. 

"No problem, enjoy your drink." When he walked away and I looked down at my cup. There was a number written on it. A phone number. I stared at it, not really knowing what to do. And I didn't wanna look up because- what if he was looking at me? 

"Hey." I snapped out of it and looked up as they made it to the table. 

"Hey," I smiled. Brandon sat with Kendall in the other booth, so that left Nathan to sit with me. I scooted further into the booth, patting the seat. "Come on, strawberry," I smiled. He rolled his eyes, sitting beside me. 

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