3| Ladies man

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Chapter 3: Ladies man (Emma's POV)

"I've got a free period for my last one, you?" I asked Kendall as we exited our class. 

She shook her head, "I have history. I'll meet you out front after class?" 

"Sure thing, see you later," I said before heading for the library. I turned the corner in the hallway, coming to a stop in front of a group of guys. They were all looking at me and whispering, but I assumed it was just because I was the new girl. "Excuse me," I mumbled, pushing past them. 

I rolled my eyes, picking up my pace, and entering the staircase that I would take to go to the library downstairs. I opened the door, turning around, glaring at the back of the heads of these guys when I crashed right into someone. "Shit, I'm so sorry," I said, facing him, "Oh, it's you. I'm not sorry then, nevermind." 

Nathan glared at me but he didn't say anything witty in response. 

"Oh, what? No remark?" I scoffed. 

He stepped aside, making way for me. "Just fucking go, now," he replied. He seemed angry. Like fuming angry. 

"Uh, are you all right?" I asked, half out of curiosity, half concern. Concern for myself because he looks like he wants to kill me. 


And I didn't hesitate for even a second. I scattered down those stairs, landing on the ground floor. I entered the library, whispering to myself about how weird he was. I spotted a table where I left my bag and then took out the checklist. 

There were three books I needed to get for my English Lit class so I started scanning around for them. When I found the aisle and started scanning the spines of the books, I found the first one and grabbed it, but it seemed like someone was also holding onto it from the other side. I instinctively let go and when they pulled it through and looked down, I saw a pretty face. 

"Sorry, I didn't know," I smiled. 

"That's okay, I didn't either, you can take it, by the way, I'll get another copy," he nodded. 

"Thanks, I'm Emma by the way," I said, sticking my hand through the shelf. 

"I'm Liam, nice to meet you," he chuckled. 

"Nice to meet you too," I laughed. 

"I'll see you around, Emma," he nodded. 

"See ya," I mumbled, watching as he walked around the aisle and over to me. He seemed to be heading to the desk to check out some books but stopped, eyeing my shirt. 

Oh, right. 

"Is that yours?" he asked, looking at me in confusion. 

"No, it's uh, actually it's... it's a long story, he spilled a juice box on me," I explained, feeling slightly embarrassed. Maybe I should have just taken Kendall's spare shirt. 

"And then gave you that?" He seemed surprised. I wonder why. 

"I kind of made him." He was even more surprised. "Uh, the book, please?" I smiled awkwardly. 

"Right," he nodded, handing me the copy. "I'll catch you later," he smiled and aw, he has a dimple. 

"Bye," I smiled. 

"Bye," he replied before heading out. I watched till he disappeared out of my sight. 

I sighed, leaning against the bookshelf. "He was cute," I whispered to myself, looking for the other 2 books. 

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