12| Exception

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Chapter 12: Exception (Nathan's POV)

Both of them looked at me as she ran out of the cafe. "What?" I asked in confusion. 

"You're not gonna ask why she didn't hug you?" Kendall asked hesitantly. 

"No, why would she hug me?" It didn't bother me until they just pointed it out. 

"Uh, because you're her friend too?" Brandon asked. 

"Yeah, but um, I'm also me, she knows better than to hug me," I shrugged, "I'm the exception. I'm taking a break too," I said, standing up and heading outside to grab a smoke. I leaned against my car, watching some cars drive by, some people walk around, in and out of the cafe. 

I'm the exception. I'm the one that's different. I'm the one that's fucked up. 

By the time I finished the cigarette, they both came walking out. "We're gonna call it a day, you gonna head out?" Brandon asked me. 

"Not right now, maybe in a minute. I can't go home reeking of smoke," I said, killing whatever was left of the cigarette. 

"Wash it down with a milkshake, strawberry," he chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes in response before saying bye to both of them. I was sitting on the hood of my car when her car pulled up again. 

Why is she back? 

She stepped out of the driver's side with a grin on her face. Then the passenger door opened and, I'm assuming he is, her dad stepped out with her. She locked the car and walked over to his side, linking her arm with his. "You have to get their strawberry milkshake, we had so many earlier," she laughed, heading towards the entrance.

"We're just stopping by though, okay hun? And we gotta get one for your mom," her dad said kind of sternly. 

"Okay, dad," she sang, holding the door open for him. I almost smiled to myself seeing the bounce in her step. While they were in there at the counter and ordering, she saw me from the window. 

She said something to her dad before jogging outside and up to my car. "Hi," she said, her hands in the pocket of her jacket while the sky was painted in multiple colors. The sun was setting and the wind was blowing in a low hustle, throwing her hair all over her face. 

"Hey, is that your dad?" I asked, glancing at him through the window, noticing him watching us scrutinizingly. 

"Uh, yeah, that's my dad," she said, turning to look at him. "What are you still doing here?" 

I shrugged, "I didn't feel like going home." 

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You came outside to smoke," she stated. 

"No, I didn't. I was taking a study break," I lied. 

"No, you weren't. I can smell it." I gave her a small shrug. "You should quit. Seriously, it'll kill you," she said, pushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. 

I clicked my tongue, shaking my head, "I'm too scared to try." 

"So? Just do it," she shrugged, "And if you fail, at least you'll know you tried. You have to give it a shot." We fell into silence. I was staring down at my shoes but I could feel her eyes on me. "I'll help you." I looked up at her, my forehead creasing in confusion. "Give them to me, we'll reduce your intake," she smiled. 

"I don't think it's very appropriate for me to be handing you cigarettes while your dad is watching," I mumbled, looking around at the parking lot which was slowly emptying out. 

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