46. The sons are born

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Linea Hanako

'How can it be that you are here? You said I slept for thousand year?'

'Wait, I think your misunderstanding,' the guy said. 'I am Kaname yes.. I am his descendant.'

'You're Kaname's descendant?'

'Yes, I am the leader of the Kuran family.' Kaname did go on with his life? That was what I wish for when I stepped in the furnace. Why does it hurt so much to hear thay he married and got children. Even his children got children and they become a great family. Kaname didn't even miss me.

'Plies stop crying,' Kaname begged. I realized that my cheek was wet.

'I am sorry,' I said. 'But what am I supposed to do in this world?'

'We find out,' Kaname said and he smiled. He did look so like him. How can it be that the Kuran original feature didn't fate away? He took my hand and together we stepped out the furnace. A whole group of humans stared at me.

'Who is she?' a white haired guy asked.

'This is Linea, pureblood of the vampire world.'

'What about the furnace,' a hunter asked.

'I am sorry, but you have made enough weapons to kill evil vampire by now.' My voice sound real weak.

'Do you know much about this society?' Kaname asked.

'Not really,' I said.

'Don't worry I'll help you find you way. This is my brother in law by the way,' he said to the white haired man.

'Zero Kiryu,' he said.

'Kiryu?' I replayed him. 'I knew a yough couple called Kiryu. I can't image that the name still exists.'

Kaname learned me the rules of the society. I found myself falling in love with him and he with me. Not not even real long later I get pregnant.

'I thought he knew that you would wake up,' Kaname said suddenly while we wait in the living room till the doctor arrived.

'What are you talking about?' I asked.

'Lord Kaname, the first Kuran. He married he sister and got his children marry each other so his form would stay alive till you wake up and marry me, his grandson.'

'That sound so unrealistic,' I said.

'Maybe,' Kaname said. The doctor came in the room and we stood up. I smiled. If Kaname really did this for me, I am glad that I felt in love with you again.

Kaiya Akane

'Okay I am real scared,' I said. I lay on the bed of the hospital. 'Would this hurt?'

'Don't worry I got this,' Toshiro said. He sneak us in the hospital in his night ship. 'I do this fast because I have to get ready if something happened outside.'

'Is this a good idea?' Akio asked.

'I got this. I told my colleague that I am smoking outside.'

'Do you smoke!' I screamed. I would stand up but I couldn't. Akio grabbed my hand.

'You want to have a child don't you?!' he screamed. I nodded.

'I am done,' the doctor said. He had something in a petri dish. The he took a syringe and I breath again. In a hour I am pregnant. I close my eyes and I went the needle broke through skin and I left a sleep.

Time skip of a month days

I walked in the ball room again. Again a child born in the Kuran family, a twin this time. 'Welcome back,' Kaname said to me. 'Have you met my fiancé already?' He showed us a lady with a baby in her hand. 'Hello,' she said. 'My name is Linea and you are.'

'Kaiya Akane and my husband,' I said.

'This also my sister, but she kicked herself out of this family,' Kaname lied.

'Yes it was me,' I said full of anger. Yuuhi was already three years old and she held a baby with Yuuki who also held a toddler. Of course it was twin.

'What are those names?' I asked.

'Jerimo and Aram,' Kaname said. 'Jerimo is the one Linea hold and Aram is with Yuuhi.'

'The toddler is Yemon, isn't he?' I asked. He had the white hair like his father.

'Is Yuuki pregnant again?' Akio asked.

'Well, yes,' Linea said. 'Your children would have a happy life together, don't you have children?'

'We are not allowed to have them,' I said and I looked angry to Kaname.

'She may not,' Kaname said. 'She is not allowed to have children, however she killed our parents.'

'You did what?!' She said. 'Why would you do such a thing!'

'Can I leave now! Invite me if you told you girlfriend about the whole situation!' I turned around and walked away. Not because I was angry I was sick and Kaname kill me if he find out.

Kaage Toshiro

'You're scared again aren't you?' he said.

'I have a big belly,' I screamed. 'And you're planning to cut in it!'

'Give me that syringe,' I said and I rolled with my eyes. This time it was not illegal, because I can't do such a big surgery. The anesthesia worked in and we start the surgery.

'It's a boy,' I said when I walked in the room with the baby. Kaiya lay in a room with Akio. I cleaned up and dressed the baby by myself

'What will be his name?'

Does some has a suggestion? (If you know the meaning of the name plies tell me to)

There will be born two daughters in the family. Don't worry it will not get any more difficult. I will make a family tree I promise.

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