38. Destiny part two

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Kaiya Akane

I walked with the boys down the streets. 'Your acting like guard, everyone is staring at me,' I said to Hanabusa and Akatsuki. 'We do not really have another choice,' Hanabusa said. After me Kaname walked. He knew that I didn't want to speak with him. 'Where were you planning to go? Miss,' Akatsuki asked.

'I don't know, Mister Kain. Just some fresh air,' I said. 'Hé, that's the shop I bought my jacked a few years ago. I wonder how the new one would look like.' Before the guys could say something I run in the shop. Of course the shop don't bother me. Who care about a jacked if you're not allowed to get out of the basement.

I grabbed some clothes and disappeared in the changing rooms. The guys followed me, I felt their aura around the door of the room. I've trapped myself, but I have to focus. In this shop they buy more than only clothes. If I get a knife or something I can get out. Then I stared to the bead on the jacked. With my nails I grabbed one out of it and pulled in my pocked.

'He, I just remember,' I said and I opened the door. 'I don't have money. Mom and dad took al away.'

'I buy it for you,' Kaname said. 'Soon it is your birthday.'

'Oh jeah? I thought that day is Yuuki's birthday.'

'How many times do we have to apologies?' Kaname said a bit irritated.

'until you suffocates.' I said. Some customers of the shop stared at us.

'Let's go home,' Akatsuki said. 'It's getting dark and we don't know what this chick is planning to do.'

'Scared for the darkness?' I asked, I smiled.

'Are you planning to buy that jacket or not,' Kaname said.

'Of course not. I am not allowed to go outside.'

'That was a smart answer,' Kaname said. 'Your real clever. I think it would be an amazing game if we play chess.'

'Why would I play chess with you? Let me guess Yuuki can't play.'

'Well kind of. That's why I always play with dad.' I already walked out the shop.

'I don't care about your chess life okay.'

He kept his stupid mouth for three minutes then he started talking again.

'How did you get that sword?' He asked.

'Why do you want to know.'

'Because that sword killed dad, first.'

'Really!' I screamed out of happiness. They all looked angry at me. 'That's why you hated that sword.'

'How could you be happy about that?' Hanabusa asked.

'Well, he did the same thing to me.' We walked back to the house. 'Where is my sword?'

'I my room. I want to give it to someone who can control the power.'

'Like your child?' I said.

'Maybe,' he answered. 'If he or she can control it. But choosing the name it the most difficult part. If it is a girl. It has to start with Yu.'

'Not my problem.' Yu,.. like all princess do in that family. I am already glad that my name don't start with the Yu.

Yuuri and Haruka bought me back to the basement. 'You did come back,' Haruka said. 'They spies I set said that you did not had a bad behavior. Except some words you said.' I knew he was meaning about the sword. 'Didn't Kaname said something?' I asked.

'Kaname and Yuuki had to leave directly after your return. They had to go to the marriage of Maria and Ichiru.'

'Oh they,' I said. I was happy that Kaname won't be home tonight.

'You better take some rest,' Haruka said. 'The doctor may not know about this.'

'Al right, I am happy that I was allowed to go outside.'

'I am glad the fresh air made your mind clear,' Yuuri said and she hugged me.

'Good night,' I said. I stand for the door, before the closed it I placed the bead on the pin that locked the door. When the door closed the sound of the lock was different. Not that Yuuri and Haruka would hear it, they were probably fascinating about their life with me. That they felt that easy for my acting.

When It was three a clock I stepped out of bed. The door opened and I walked to the room of Kaname. With my pureblood skill I was able to evade the guards. In the room I search for the sword. It lies in the wardrobe, but there lies something else to, MY DAIRY! He wrote my dairy! How dare he! I grabbed my dairy and the sword and walk back to the kitchen. I needed a strong knife, maybe two. I found two daggers and a scissors. You never know what would work the best.

I stared to the two people who lied in bed. Between the doorknobs I stuck the scissors. Maybe I can use that candleholder in order to also ensure that the door does not open. Then I walked to the balcony door and stuck another candleholder between the doorknobs.

No escape, no change. I grabbed my sword and was ready for the battle. The maybe the last one, but even if I die. I will take one of you with me.

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now