11. The excape

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Isao Akane

The girl shut the door. She had not noticed us in the dark. 'She was the person who I want to show you,' Rido said. 'I guess it is Yuuri who is reborn as human. Kaname is every careful about her.'

''How did you find out,' Asato Ichijo asked.

'I felt something was not good, when I remember I was the pureblood Rido. I find Manuel and he kept me. I knew that Kaien Cross had adopted a girl and I saw it on a class picture on my ex-girlfriend's home.'

'You mean, Masia Shiki*.' I said. He nodded.

'Is something wrong?'

'Her face is the same as his Haruka en Yuuri daughter.' The three 'man, ' Rido was a child in this body, stared at me.

'How do you know?' He asked.

'She didn't die. So I adopted her, because you said you will reborn, Lord Rido.'

'That's very kind of you. Even after my death your loyal to me. Asato has spied for me on Kaname and Manuel make sure even in this child body, I live like a king.' The three f us bent for him.

'If we are not at the party, someone will miss us and get suspicious.' We nodded.

'But if we leave Rido, someone will be able to kill him.'

'Don't worry, I asked my children if they take care about this.' I said.

'Ok, let's go. I will not ask my grandson. I don't know how he will react.' Asato said.

Kerria Akane

'That was horrible,' Tsukiko said. 'My brother interrupt dad and Kaname would think I cannot talk for myself.'

'Don't act that stupid,' I said. 'You have the luck you can visit Kaname always if you say that you want to see your brother.'

'Me and my brother are not real close. He act like I am twenty years younger than him. And out other sisters do not even exit for him.'

'That's horrible, why is he acting so?' Tsukiko shrugged.

At that moment Akio walked or way with another boy.

'Do you remember me?' The boy asked. I recognized his voice.

'Daichi Haranu?' I asked. He laugh.

'Yeah, you ladies have change a lot.'

'That's called grow up. You should try it,' Tsukiko said. 'You haven't change.'

'Akio Kerria!' We turned around and we saw dad standing next to another man, but not the same one as before.

'Dad what is this?' I asked.

'Do you see that corridor over there. Go inside and walk to the and. The man from before will stand there.'

'Dad what is this about?' Akio asked.

Akio Akane

'Just do what I say,' dad said a bit angry.

'Okay, we are going,' I said and I pull Kerria away. She was planning to asked father something, but we both know that he won't give us an answer.

'What was that about?' Kerria asked.

'He didn't smell drunk, did he?' Kerria nodded.

'This way,' a voice said. We turned around and saw the man. We pointed to a room. 'Stay inside, till I come back.'

'What..-' Kerria said but the man was already gone. I opened the door and stared inside. A boy was sitting on a chair and stared through the window.

'Uh,.. Young man,' I said The boy opened his eyes. Two different color?

'Your form the Akane family?' He asked. I nodded.

'What a wonderful children does Isao have. The two of you look real strong.'

'Thanks? But who are you,' Kerria asked.

'Oh sorry,' the boy said. 'Isao haven't said my name in the room. I am proud at him. My name is Rido Kuran.' As fast as we can Kerria and I bent. He smiled.

'What is our job?' I asked.

'Well, the job was to stay in this room till Manuel comes back, but there are too many enemies in here. If one of you come with me and leave the other stay and wait till they come.'

'Were do you want to go?' I asked.

'I want to go to the house of Manuel Shiki. You are a aristocrats so what kind of powers do you have?'

'I can me invisible,' Kerria said.

'I can create illusion.' I said.

'Well,' Rido said. ''The invisible girl come with me. Will you say to Manuel Shiki and your father that Manuel have to take his cousin with him. I want to switch body.' I nodded.

'We do what you asked,' Kerria said. 'Lord Rido.'

Kerria Akane

I transform myself in my invisible form. The boy opened the door and I walked after him. There was directly a problem. In the snow your abled to see me foot step. Rido noticed it to. He must be the Pureblood. He was too smart for a 10 years old boy.

'Were are you going?' A woman said.

'I want to find my mommy,' Rido said.

'I am sorry, I have to find a child who bullied Cross,' the woman said with white hair. 'Rido Kuran.' I was pale, how did she know? She started throwing knife. I jumped for Rido.

I fell and one of the knife hit me. Was she a ninja or something?

'Weak to fight a child,' I said. I bleed and the smell would all vampire come outside if won't hurry up.

'Who are you?' She asked.

'I am problem for you!' I said. Rido used one of his powers and blow away the vampire.

'Let's go!' He screamed. I stood up as fast as I can. We run till we were in the middle of the town. The woman run also after us.

'Let use that taxi,' I said. We run to the taxi and step in.

'Pleas as soon as you can to the highway!' I said to the man who stared at us. It was good that I was a girl. A lot of things can happened to a girl in the middle of the night.

Masia Shiki: Senri Shiki's mother and sister of Manuel shiki

Onee-chan (form media) = sister.

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now