14. A purebloods lover

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If you've seen Vampire Knight Guilty, you may skip this. They will be described only a piece of the anime here. Yet an important piece.

Yuki Cross

That night I walked with Zero and the Moon dorms. Kaname was waiting in the hallway. He knew that we would be come.

"Kaname-Sempai," I tried not to hiccup.

"Yuuki you trust me? You take him with you?. "

"Kaname I am sorry, but I need to ask you something."

"Ask what you will, my feelings for you will not change."

I swallowed.

"I love you Yuki," Kaname said suddenly. I remained silent. I did not know what to say.

"Do not you like me?" He asked anxiously.

I quickly shook my head. "Of course I love you! You've always been there with me! Even if you will cheat, I will love you me! " One way or another, I did struggle to keep my cheeks dry.

He smiled obliquely. "We cannot leave things as they are, can we? Or do you want to be a vampire? "A vampire is to always be with him.

"Kuran!" Called Zero behind me. Kaname give no attention to them.

"I think this is enough for tonight. I'll see you tomorrow. "

He walked away and I bleed stand without saying anything. I know not. I could not find again to convince him to tell me the truth.

Kaname Kuran

I turned and walked to the office of Mr. Cross. There stood Ichiru, zero's twin brother and Kaien Cross was already waiting for me. "I wonder what a pureblood vampire want of me."

"I want to know what you're doing here," I said.

"I do not know yet," he said. As if he would not know really. "But I'm not a pawn in your game." He helped to the door along.

"I've already put spelled on this chessboard and you were sure in this game," I said. Normally I would now smile but I was too far into my head at Yuuki.

"Is something Kaname?" Asked Mr. Cross.

"No, everything is good," I whispered.

"Nothing happened? You feel fine anyway. "

"To be honest, Director. I made my choice and I am very relieved now. Would you like to send Yuuki fountain if you see her. "

' Now? 'He asked. I nodded and tried to laugh one bit.

Yuuki Cross

I walked in the middle of the night to allow the fountain. What would Kaname Kuran now want of. Zero followed me, I knew it but did nothing. I felt safe with Zero nearby. Kaname was there, exactly as he had said.

"Yuuki," he said, and he suddenly turned around. "I was waiting for you." I looked at him and swallowed. It did not matter, now or the past everything was blurred. But one thing I wanted to. I wanted to know what had happened, and no longer a forgotten person without knowing why I forgot. "Is something wrong Yuuki?"

"Uhm .. I wanted to ask some questions, but please do not change the subject."

'Changing the subject? Did you mean it when I have about that vampire or when I asked you if you loved me? " I looked down, but I felt his eyes go all over me.

"I see it, you do not feel the same as I feel for you. '

I paled, no I'm just afraid I do not know why. "Kaname-sempai, I do love you! it does not matter, the past or the present, I have always loved you! I was always so happy when you were there and you always had that pure honest eyes as the first day. After all this time, I have never found a reason to hate you. And if you're going to make me a vampire even then then ... "I gasped, Kaname put his hand on my cheek, but I recoiled back. I want us, but maybe not now.

"Yuuki," he whispered.

"Why," I wanted to know. "I know I'm clumsy and sometimes I realized, no matter how much older I get. I will always love you. " I bit in my lip. Now he must get out. "You have something to do with my forgotten past, True?" I looked at him. He narrowed his eyes as if I attack him. I ran up to him, so that my face was inches from his. "Why not tell me! Please tell me! I can not live like this. "I thought of all the blood and the headaches I had steed. All I know is much truth and become stronger. I beg you! "I hung my head on his chest.

'Crazy child, "he whispered lovingly. "It would be better if you have a little longer so peaceful to live in a world of happiness." I did not look at him blankly. My world collapsed.

"Can I tell you the truth? Even when it is covered with bloodstains? Are you sure want to know more than this? "

"Yes, Kaname-sempai." I said tightly.

He sighed. "I've always been alone, the only one that gave me warmth was you. I'm afraid you're going to hate me if you know the truth. "

"I will never hate you, Kaname-sempai," I put my hand on the hand on my shoulder.

"Prove me," he whispered in my ear. "Be my lover." I looked at him and yanked the hand apart from me. "No, the only reason you say this is more so I do not ask questions!" I almost cried. "You know I want to be not lied."

"Yuuki," his voice sounded so gentle that it almost hurt. "That's because you played so. But I am seriously here. "

"You're lying," I whispered. He can not speak the truth. A high royal for an adopted child. It just can not.

"That is not so. I do this, Yuuki, so you listen to me and hear what I say. I love you, Yuuki. "He let me hand and that without more along my body. His arms embraced me.

"Can you stop to look at her with such cautionary eyes." Kaname suddenly sounded. Zero! I had forgotten all about him. I turned around with a thud.

"I'm the one who Yuuki protected from now. As her lover. '

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