.5. The Kurans Death

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Kaiya Kuran

Three days past. I haven't seen mother and it was normal that I never found Kaname. He was always in that room.

At this moment I was playing with my rabbit when I saw the first snow fall of this year.

'Haruka come,' mom said happily. I guess she didn't noticed me behind the bench. 'Yuuki is trying to read a book. It's so cute. She want to read for you and Kaname is -.'

'Yuuri!' said father and he stood up and stared at me. I felt like I had done something wrong. Maybe hoping to come with daddy and listen to Yuuki's story, that was probably wrong.

'Kaiya, stay here,' dad answered my eyes. Mother stared at me and was shocked. I heard the thinks I was not allowed to hear.

'I didn't know she was down there,' mom said. Dad got moms hand and they walked away. I didn't want to show them how much they hurt me. I stand up and walked to the window. I was small and I only saw the trees outside. 'Yuki,' I whispered when a snowflake touched the window. 'Just go away mommy and daddy and leave me alone. Go and see that Yuuki you like more, that Yuuki I am not allowed to see.' I went on my tiptoes to see more from the outside world. In the reflection I saw daddy standing in the diner room. 'Why do you love Yuuki more than me? Why is she so special?'

Dad saw that I recognized him and left directly.

He is mad at me because I know it. I know it about Yuuki, but why is she better? I ran form the living room to the library and climbed on the shelf. I opened the first book I saw. It was a book without pictures. I did not learn anything at school and that's why I cannot read. I kept looking at the letters, but they formed no words in my head. Yuuki can read, that's why Kaname, mommy and daddy love her.. I am nothing for them, they don't even want me to be born. A big tear fell tear fell and the pages started to wrinkle. I cleaned it up before daddy had more reasons to hate me. If I see his eyes, I kept on thinking about the nightmare. The snow became darker and darker en the night appeared.

Then the smell of blood dripped into the mansion.

Haruka Kuran

Yuuki sat on the couch next to Kaname. 'Come on Haruka,' called Yuuri. 'She's waiting for you.'

With my hands in my pocket, I walked in the room. Kaiya know, she found out..

'Otou-sama*,' said Kaname worried.

'Sorry Yuuki, I kept you waiting.'

'It's ok daddy,' she said happily. Yuuki was always laughing and Kaiya never does. She has no reason, she found out she had a sister we love more. The most worse of it, I know that she is sad and I am the reason. Pleas, heaven take Kaiya with you, Let her live in a save and happy. Unbelievable I am thinking this of my own child. I let my eyes fall on Kaname and Yuuki. Maybe it is it worth. Yuuki is our daughter and Kaname our son, and they are happy. They can survive.

'Look dad, here the knight ride on the bridge of the castle and .. Oh no he almost fall into the water!' Said Yuuki and she was telling what she saw on the pictures. That's what Yuuri called reading.

Right before the prince would kiss the princess a strong smell of blood was taking the concentration away. 'I am going,' I said and I ran to the door.

'Yuuki, Kaname, stay here,' Yuuri said behind me. I prefer that she stayed with them.

Outside stood a group of vampires. The smell of blood came from the guards and the most of them were death. How did this happened without noticing.

'Searching for me?' said a too familiar voice. I gritted my teeth and saw him, a person with the same color eyes and the same color hair. Well his were a little bit darker, but in this night it looked like the same. It was not me, and he was not my brother anymore.

'You're under the supervision of the senate and you can come out?' I said. 'Onii-sama*.'

Rido shrugged. 'Well hello brother. You are hiding something precious. I'm come to take the princess.'

'You!' Yuuri shouted with anger and disgust. 'Not again my CHILD!' She ran inside.

'I think I've found her,' screamed one of the aristocrats of Rido. He jumped over a tree through the window of the library. A loud scream followed. The vampire came out with Kaiya held by her throat. There was a frightened whimper from Kaiya mouths.

'Let my daughter go!' I was filled with anger. A soft voice said that this was the plan. Kaiya would die now, and still I won't believe it. The man threw Kaiya and she landed down into the snow right before Rido. In the panic I hoped that she was okay, that she would ran away from Rido. Stand up Kaiya, ran! I thought. She is not able to. If I kill Rido know, if I succeed. Than both my daughters can continue living.

Rido bent. His horrible hand touched Kaiya's shoulder and he lifted her up.

'Let her go!'

'Haruka!' suddenly sounded behind me. On the balcony Yuuri stood like Juliet.

'Yuuri,' I whispered. 'I think the time is right. We have lived together all our lives and after doubts we had two beautiful children. I think it's time to change the fate of our name.' I looked at her and she nodded.

'This is our good bye, Haruka. Farewell Kaiya,' Yuuri whispered. 'Let us meet once again.' Yuuri turned and left the balcony.

'Do not worry,' said Rido. Kaiya was still in his arms. Why isn't she fighting? Was he too strong or were her injures to bad. 'Haruka, you meet your daughter soon. If you go out this world I'll will be Yuuri's husband and the ruler of the vampire world! Even if you kill me, I use my powers as pureblood and I will reborn.' Rido mouth came close to Kaiya and the put his dirty teeth into her skin. Kaiya had a scare look on the face en began to scream. Her eyes turned red by the smell of her own blood. Rido became stronger by drinking blood of a pureblood and he threw away the death body.

'Not if I kill you with an anti-vampire weapon. Your head, heart and neck were weak point.' I hissed.

'Daddy!' Kaname screamed. I turned back to Kaname and did not noticed that Rido caught a sword and hit my heart. I staggered equally. '

'Dad you're hurt!' Called Kaname. 'That sword Rido threw was an anti-vampire sword.'

Kaname stood in the front of me and protected me against the group evil vampires.

'Kaname plies,' I cried. 'Go away.' I hit my arms around him. His body felt shocked by my behavior. 'Your mother and I love you Kaname. Please don't let me die like a bad father. A father that used his own child to protect him.'

'Dad no,' Kaname cried.

'You will understand Kaname, Get out of here!' The last thing I felt was that my head hit the ground and I landed in the snow. I saw the snow was falling out the dark. It was pure and white, while the sky was so dark and drab. Exactly as life. Doesn't matter which way you choice, the darkness will always be there. I hope even you find your path of live Kaiya. Maybe I can see you after this and explain everything to you. 'Even then, never forgive me.'

Ôtou-sama means. Daddy but pride fuller.

Onii-sama means older brother but pride fuller. (however, it is used sarcastic here)

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now