8. The passport

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Isao Akane

The three children were sitting in the back.

"Are you afraid?" Koari asked.

"Not really," Kaiya answered politely. "Should I be afraid."

"No, but you do want to be our daughter?" I asked and I looked in the mirror. Kaiya was sitting in de middle.

"I just had fun with Akio and Kerria." Koari smiled. I know this was her wish and now I realized that I was also mine.

"Kaiya don't worry I make sure that you will be or daughter. The three of you will be a perfect team."

"That is totally true dad," Akio said it with smile.

"Well we could try it." Kerria said. She do not like Kaiya.

"Don't worry Kerria," I said. "You should trust yourself." She must think Kaiya could do everything. She is a smart and powerful girl to.

"I've never hear you say such a thing," Koari said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you're not the person that gives people a deeply advice. "

"Saying things deeply," I replied her. "You mean such a thing as "I want to marry you " or "children are a good idea"." All the people in the car laugh.

Kerria Akane

We stepped out the car. The snow started falling again. I watched Kaiya actions. She was really kind.

"Mister and Miss Akane. " a young policeman said. Dad nodded. "Those really are wonderful children."

"We want this one to join our family," mom said.

"I heard it, but you cannot adopt a random girl. First we have to find out if the girl have other family members. "

"I don't have them. I've been alone. "

"How can that be? Do you have a names of your parents?"

"I don't understand the problem. " dad sound a bit angry. "If we found a baby in the wood. I can have it."

"That is because she is not baby. Someone will miss the child."

"No one would miss me," Kaiya said.

"I have a deal. We keep the child as long on one show up who miss a daughter. We can have her." why was mom saying that.

"Follow me," the man said and we followed him. "Well the children can stay outside. I am going to talk with your parents." Why is that man doing that? I hate it to be a child

'And what are we going to do now?' I asked when de man shut the door in the front of us.

'Let go search for a window,' Akio said. 'Maybe we can spy on them.'

'That's a great idea,' I said. I already run to the door and Akio was following me. 'Aren't you coming Kaiya?' I said.

'Are we allowed to go outside?' She asked.

'Did mom and dad said that we can't?' Akio asked. The three of us walked to the left side of the building, while we were playing with the snow.

'It should be here?' Akio said. We were looking through every window till we find mom and dad sitting on a bench. The policeman was sitting before them, he had his back to the window.

Koari Akane

'Well I guess you're going to give me an answer why we cannot adopt the child,' Isao said.

'Last night,' the man started. 'There were several gunshots in the woods near an old mansion. When police arrived no one survived.' I looked at Isao, he might mean the vampire war last night by the Kuran mansion. 'This girl might have a connection with it.'

'Sorry but, Kaien Cross did adopt a girl also today!' Isao full of anger.

'Kaien Cross have said a few days ago that we was planning to adopt the child of his old friend. His friend was ill and he waited till he died. It was just coincidence that it was the same day.' Isao sighed and waited till the man would go on. 'We have to make sure that this girl will not have a connection with it.'

'We understand, but what can we do to make sure this girl would me our daughter.' The man stared at me, he was thinking.

'I already see the problem,' Isao said. 'There is no way we can adopt this girl. I have a question to you. How many persons do know about this case?' Isao was planning something

'Just the family member of the death agents, but they might not talked to the media. There is a special team investigating this case.'

'You're team will not find the answer.'

'What do you mean?' The agent said. He sound scared. Isao stood up an grabbed him by his throat. The man was trying to get air.

'I have killed her parents.' Isao whisper in his ear. 'Because I want to have this child.' Isao let him go and the man left on the ground. 'And I kill you if you don't do what I want. One more kill do not bother me.'

'Why?' He still missed oxygen. I stood up.

'It's a world you never understand.' I walked to the window and opened it. 'Come in.' I helped the three children, who climbed through the window.

'What do you want to do with me,' the man said.

'I want you to make a passport for Kaiya.' Isao grabbed him by his throat again.

'You have to go to the ministry. I can't do that.'

'Dad what is going on?' Akio asked.

'He don't want you to have another sister,' I said.

'Are you going to kill him daddy?'

'At least I can do, is that I can send and make sure you can make a passport.'

'That's good enough,' I said.

'We have made something for that man,' Kaiya said. Everyone looked at her.

'Why aren't you running away?' The man dare to asked to Kaiya.

'They are my parents and I love them,' Kaiya said and she threw a snowball in his face.

'Nice shoot,' Isao said.

'Thank you daddy, Kerria learnt me.'

'I am done,' the man said after a while. Isao was looked what he was doing on his computer.

I put my hand on his face and deleted all his memories of the last half hour. 'You see kids, that why you never make your dad angry.'

'I am so happy,' Kaiya said. 'One of my two wishes come true.'

'What is the other one?' Akio asked.

'I wish I could read and write. '

'Don't worry, with a passport you can go to school, but we better fix it first and leave this place before someone watch the security camera's'

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