.6. The Kurans death part 2

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Yuuri Kuran

"You," I shouted. 'Not again my CHILD! "I turned and ran inside. Where is Kaiya, I have to find her before she get caught. If she dies, I want to tell her that after all I still love her. I ran first to the living room to see if she was there. That was the last place I've seen her. Then there was a loud screaming from the library and the sound of tinkling glass reverberated even after. I ran up the stairs and looked out the window of the hall and I froze. Kaiya lay on the ground, they had already got her so fast? I ran to our bedroom to the balcony.

"Let her go," shouted Haruka. I could tell from his attitude that he thought the same thing I thought.

"Haruka," I shouted.

"Yuuri," he whispered. His voice sounded so velvety. Maybe I hear him for the last time in my life. "I think the time is right. We have lived our lives together and after doubts we had two beautiful children. I think it's time, time to change the fate of our name." I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "This may be goodbye Haruka," I looked over at Rido who stood for Kaiya. "Farewell Kaiya." I walked back inside, towards the basement.

"Yuuki, Kaname," I called in the door post.

"Mommy," cried Yuuki who lay against Kaname. "Mommy I smell daddy's blood."

"Mom, take care of Yuuki, Rido is my problem," said Kaname who tried to walk past me. I grabbed him and hugged him. "You're so brave," I whispered. My last kiss on the cheek of my son. "But you should soon be in charge of Yuuki. Look out, " He nodded and I let him go. Haruka I will never let him die, but I know that Haruka wants to see the face of his child .

"Mama!" Called Yuuki and tried to get by me. "Mama, Onii-Sama! Kaname-Sama. Mama there's something scary outside. "

"Yuuki, listen to me," I whispered. I closed the door and she kept struggle.

"Yuuki, I'm going to put the part of you that belongs to the vampires asleep. You will be an ordinary human girl. Then you can do the things you want to do without thinking about your duty as a pureblood vampire. "She had stopped thrashing and looked at me with great eyes. I embraced her and sat down on the floor. "You've made me a very happy mother Yuuki, But the next time you wake up you will not remember anything. "I closed my eyes and pressed Yuuki totally against me. It felt like my blood changed in poison. Everything hurt and the blood made ​​his way out of my body. I fell to the ground and pin ebbed away.

Kaname Kuran

Father sank to the floor and his last words hung in my head. You're a good father dad and I will be a good son. I picked up the sword from his body and looked at Rido.

"Ah little child," he hissed and walked closer to me. "Is your sister paper wit and death."

"Too bad I do not have much time," I said between my teeth. "Otherwise I'd let you slowly go dead."

"Ah what a pity now." He ran without thinking of me. I reached forward and the snow lay on the ground blew in all directions. This gave me a nice opportunity to crawl under the jump of Rido. When I stood behind him, I put it sword in his belly. I cut the top part from the component so it came in two pieces on the ground right.

"Go away and do not come back," I hissed to the supporters of Rido. They listened, they had t, now I was the pureblood and their boss. At that time the family Ichio and Aido came to run.

"Lord Kaname what happened," said the father of Hanabusa startled.

'Rido was here, "I said. As if that was not clear. There was one very talk with Mr. Aido and Asato Ichijo. "So I take the Kuran child?" Asato Ichijo asked. Mr. Hanabusa nodded.

"I have five children," I said. "I cannot."

"I must go now on, I'll meet you at your house," I said. I ran away. Asato Ichijo couldn't say anything. The snow began to fall and I ran to the back of the house. Yuuki stood there and a vampire against her.

"May I drink your blood," said the vampire. Yuuki's eyes were wide and frightened. I jumped for Yuuki and put my hand through his chest. Blood poured on my hand. "You're a disgrace to all vampire," I said. I turned to Yuuki and took a lick of blood on my hand. It felt as if I had been drinking long time.to ago. Especially with the smell of the war that was still hanging around here. "You're okay?" I asked, but she was speechless. I held out my hand to her and she grabbed him.

Isao Akane

I still had the body of the pureblood baby hand while I ran away home. Rido was defeated by a child of ten. the boy was probably taken over by his father. Haruka has the fight by put into the body of Kaname, I kept for myself full. It can not be that Rido was so easily defeated. I was so whine to it that I was home before I realized what I had to do with the corpse.

"Isoa?" Koari who looked at the girl in my hands. "What have you done?"

"Rido is dead, and this is the pureblood princess, daughter of the Kurans," I said. It sounded very indifferent.

"I think she's alive?" Koari said and she walked over to me and looked at the child. "Jess, she is alive! What will we do with her? "

I rubbed my hand through the hair. "Rido said something about being reborn as long as his heart, head or neck does not get hit. Maybe he was bluffingl but until then we keep her alive. When Rido comes back, fresh Kurans blood will do him good. "

"Let adopt this child," said Koari and she put her hand on the child's head. Koari had the power to erase memories. I had the strength to look around objects, that made me able to find the princess so fast.

"She will know nothing," said Koari then she was ready. "Tomorrow she is our child." I nodded. Koari wished that we would have a third child. I Was against because if I did not gave her a change to get pregnant. However she was a good mother for my children, but I was not a good father.

"And Akio and Kerria? I will not betray my own child for my prey.. "

"Akio and Kerria will alway be our children and their we always love more than anyone else." Koari stood up and kissed me.

'OK, ' I said. 'Maybe it's time to love my family more.'

'You're going to be a good father. I am sure now Rido is away for a few years.' She is right. Preparing and fighting in the war for Rido make me play less with my children, always coming late home and be gone early in the morning. My true love must really love, because she is still with me.

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