44. the deal

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Just a few chapters and then it's the end of this story

Kaiya Akane

I directly turned to the window. There was no one outside to see. I was glad Akio still wore his underwear, what if Kaname had placed camera's here?

'Put it on the loud speaker.' I said. He nodded and pick up the phone.

'Good night,' Kaname said.

'I don't know what time it is there but here it is 00:37,' I said full of anger.

'Well down here it is just half past nine.'

'Why do you call?'

'I want to invite you for the baby party of Yuuhi, my daughter. '

I shook my hand head and Akio nodded. I didn't even care that he used the name I gave him. 'Thanks for the invitation, but we can't come.' Akio sound real politely.

'You don't have a choice a half year past remember.' I grit my teeth.

'Yeah I remember,' Akio said. 'So what day is that party.'

'The day after tomorrow. You have to arrive nine a clock.'

'We are there,' Akio said.

'See you then, brother in law.' Akio hung up the phone.

'I hate him,' I said. 'He destroy everything.'

'Let him go,' Akio said. 'Where were we?'

'We were trying to sleep!' I turned me back to him.

'Oh,,.. good night.'

Yuuki Kuran

The days past. Yuuhi, Kaname and I slept in the same bed. The three of us and it felt real save.

'Are you ready,' Kaname asked.

'Yeah, time to meet the vampire society again,' I said. The last time we gave a ball it I met Sayori and Sarah Shirabu was death that night. Not that she died at the ball itself.

Hours passed and I found myself getting nervous.

'Look the first guest arrive,' Hanabusa said. The ball was filled with the night class Elite and hunters of the vampire association. Zero was not with those group. I didn't know if I was real happy or sad about his absence.

'Good to see you, lord and lady Kuran,' some important vampire said whom name I didn't know.

Kaname had a talk with him when the invited vampires walked through the door. Then I saw those red eyes again. 'Oh miss, the baby if beautiful and healthy,' a vampire said. She looked to the baby in my arms. I didn't gave her an answer and I ran to Kaname. 'She arrived with Akio.'

'Okay,' Kaname said. 'Would you excuse me.' He said to a man.

I went back to the chair and took seat with the baby. A row of curious vampires appeared before me. They all wanted to see their princess. Some of them bought baby present.

Kaname Kuran

'Welcome,' I said to Kaiya. Some vampires stared at me, but I ignored. She wore red dress that matched with her eyes and her hair was raised up. 'You look good much older with you hair.' Then I recognized the necklace sword.

'Yeah, it was an old dress and I was just too lazy to curl my hair.'

'Why are we here?' Akio asked.

'Because I invited you.'

'Can we leave,' Kaiya asked.

'You have to stay till eleven,' I said a bit angry.

'What do you want me to do!' Kaiya screamed. The people around us stared at her.

'Go and have a talk with some old friends. Daichi is here with Roselia and Maria is here also.'

'Please shoot me down,' Kaiya said.

'Let's go search for the others.' Akio grabbed Kaiya her hand and walked inside. I gave Seiren the signal and walked back to the man I was talking with.

I heard so many compliments. That Yuuhi was a beautiful baby, that she had my eyes and she was healthy.

'So this her,' a familiar sound said. I looked out and froze. 'Zero?!'

He rolled with his eyes. 'What is her name?'

'Yuuhi,' I said proud.

'Yuuki,' Kaname said. Then he saw Zero and his face turned angry,

'What's wrong?' I asked.

'May I have my daughter for a moment.' I nodded and gave him the baby. The row change of person and I was not on the spotlight anymore.

'So, your mother,' Zero said.

'Yeah, but Kaname and I brook up,' I said.

'You what? He left you with the child,' Zero said.

'No no,' I was chocked about his conclusion. 'Kaname wanted to have a child. But I don't want to live with my brother all the time. I know I've promised him to marry him when we were little but I think I can't.'

'Why did you get a child with him than?'

'To pleasure mother and father,' I said.

'Do you wanna dance with me?' Zero asked.

I nodded and he kissed my hand.

One year passed. Yuuki was happy with Zero and they married. Kaiya was also wanted to married and Kaname asked when they married. Kaiya answered that they can't marry because she don't exist. Yuuki took away her identity and she don't want to think the world she marry her brother.

Not a year later Yuuki was pregnant of Zero and a son was born. Yemon was he called while Kaname was still single.

Kaiya Akane

We returned from the Kuran mansion. Yuuki had a second child. Her become so perfect. Why was it me? I wonder if had made different if I was chosen. I guess Kaname would still protect her.

'What are you thinking at?' Akio asked.

'I wonder if my life would have been better, if I would have chosen. I don't even life for something.'

'I know what you mean.' Akio said.

'I am sorry for this. You stuck in this part of your life because of me.'

'What do you mean?' He asked.

'Well,' I said. 'The circle is: be born grow up, get married and havr kids. You can't go on.'

'Who said that? That stupid deal? The only reason why I said yes was to have time with you and we will find our way together. '

'What do you want to do?' I asked.

'Do you think they can stop us? We do what we want so let's go on in that circle. '

Vampire knight - Yuuki's sister Kaiya - The pureblood killerWhere stories live. Discover now