I still get blamed for it

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It was a usual but not so usual morning for Jenna. She forced herself out of bed, brushed her teeth and made sure to cover her nose before entering Tyler's room because it stank! The only difference today was that Jenna was quite excited for school rather than nervous. The clothes that she picked out on a Friday night were laid on her bed and along with her mum's spray tan which she just took withought permission. It's not like Mrs Kennedy used it anyway.

But if there was something Mrs Kennedy was likely to care about was the lingerie Stacy bought Jenna before she left England

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But if there was something Mrs Kennedy was likely to care about was the lingerie Stacy bought Jenna before she left England. Jenna hadn't touched it since she displayed all her things from her luggage after she came back. She remembered the time when she was linking arms with her best friend while strolling inside a huge mall. Stacy seemed so lively and happy as usual, making her weird inappropriate jokes. Her face beamed as soon as she spotted Victoria's Secret, one of her favourite stores which urged her to drag Jenna inside, along with her. Jenna remembered how excited Stacy was as soon the light pink logo beamed on a black headboard while stripes of different shades of pink was surrounding it. The store was absolutely massive!

Stacy glided through the entrance with a huge smile on her face. She gasped as soon as she spotted the sparkly winged outfit that was worn in one of the fashion shows. It was was shielded inside a clear cubed glass.

They tried on different body mists and all of them smelled irresistible but Stacy was determined that bare Vanilla was still her favourite fragrance while Jenna was still having a hard time figuring out. After trying various different fragrants, Stacy glided towards a pile of draped lingerie. "How about this one?" She held up a lacy black lingerie which was layered over cream silk. Jenna's nose crinkled and her head shook side to side. They just seemed way too uncomfortable for Jenna to wear. After having a closer look, Jenna pinched onto a lilac laced lingerie which absolutely had no paddings at all. Though it had lace details on it, it still looked simple which she preferred.

Looking at it after a long time, just reminded her more of Stacy. She remembered Stacy snatching it out of her hands then rushing towards the till, paying for it instantly while Jenna scolded her for doing that but thanked her eventually.

Her head rotated towards the time again. Feeling calm that today she'll get to school on time. Her eyes scanned her outfit up and down, focusing on the pink t shirt, she picked out. Pink was an unusual colour for Jenna to wear but she didn't really mind it. "I mean it's not the worst colour in the world." She picked up her outfits one by one then oozed into her clothes.

Her stomach grawled with hunger and her legs bounced with excitement. She knew her mum made waffles for breakfast today so she couldn't wait. She skipped past Tyler's room sprinting down the stairs then hopped onto her wooden chair.

Her eyes gleamed with excitement as soon as it laid on the waffles which was resting on their small wooden table. The waffles smelled absolutely delicious and freshly made, Her mom must have left, just a few minutes ago. It was layered with golden syrup while the butter was visibly pooling on top of it. Jenna could already feel her tongue melting with desire.

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