Lets Raise The School's Spirit!

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Jenna's day
It's that time of the year, when the jocks get inspired by the school's enthusiasm. Before, their big game. It's that time of the year, when the cheerleaders wow the crowed, with their outstanding performance. It's that time of the year, when the dancers finally get to show off their hard work, to the entire school. It's finally the annual pep rally!

Jenna lugged her way towards the back of the class towards Delilah and the girls. Delilah's eyes went wide when she observed Jenna "Wow Jenna you look-"

"Like a bag of sweat? Yah, I know." Jenna interrupted Delilah by finishing her sentence while her breath hammered out of her nostrils.

Delilah just smiled sweetly then decided to say something nice "I love your eyebrows."

"Thank you." Jenna appreciated as she grabbed a chair next to Bella.

"Do you pluck them." Amy curiously asked.

"Well of course she does." Bella decided to answer for Jenna.

"Actually, I don't." Jenna revealed as she felt very flattered by the complements. However, it's true Jenna was gifted with naturally beautiful brows which was shaped and arched perfectly. In fact, she had never plucked them, in her entire life!

"What? No way!" Bella raised both of her eyebrows in surprise, not sure wether or not to believe Jenna. So she just smiled and nodded anyway.

Bella may seem like the least friendly person in the group but that was because she was always protective of herself and her friends

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Bella may seem like the least friendly person in the group but that was because she was always protective of herself and her friends. How she acted around Jenna on her first day was simply to protect her relationship with James. She knew that it wasn't the right way to do it but when she gets hurt she doesn't know how to handle her emotions so she just reacts. Bella still didn't know if she could trust Jenna or not since she just arrived but she is trying her best to keep up her good side around Jenna as much as she can.

"I have to get mine done every week." Amelia complained.

"Enough of the brow talk girls. Get back to work!" Miss Duffy shouted like a foghorn when she overheard the girls chattering. "If anyone needs any help, just ask me." Miss Duffy reassured to the whole class, sounding dead.

So far, out of all the teachers, Jenna hated miss Duffy the most. She never thought that she could actually hate a teacher because teachers are mainly there to help you but with miss Duffy it was different. She just expected them to know stuff, they hadn't even learned and whenever people asked for help, she always thought that they were being lazy and told them to figure it out themselves. It's the teacher's job to help the students understand. Isn't it?

"I need help." Jenna raised her hand.

"What do you need help with?" Miss Duffy turned around then asked Jenna.

"With this question." Jenna pointed out with her manicured figures, which she got done at a beauty salon, with her mom last week.

"Well, if you listened, then you would've known, what to do. Now, work it out yourself. Miss Duffy commanded but Jenna and the girls just couldn't take her seriously. It was mainly because she always failed to over line her bright orange lipstick. Instead, of making it look all plumpy. She ended up looking like Marinda Sings.

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