The Past That Still Haunts You

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The road was silent. Eerily silent. The picture perfect blue sky drowned into the smoke filled clouds. A sudden drop in temperature made Stacy's lips quiver and her teeth clatter. Her bare legs stung and tingled by the icy wind. She cursed under her breath for not wearing tights, that way her legs would've stayed warm but she had way more things to be concerned about right now. She just kept sprinting forward and never looked back, good thing she payed attention on their way to the studio. However, this place still seemed a little familiar to Stacy somehow. But she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Stacy!" Mr. Cameron's voice echoed from the back. His voice didn't sound like it was coming from far away which urged her to speed up even more. "Stacy!" He roared. But she still didn't dare to turn around.

She could hear his heavy footsteps travelling towards her. As she slid sideways, towards the narrow path, pressing her back hard against the bricked walls, flattening herself to go as unnoticed as much as possible.

Her teacher headed towards the front, passing her out the way. Which was the perfect opportunity for her to run.

When he was no longer seen Stacy's legs twisted and turned, preparing herself to run. She sprinted as fast as she could but "thum!" She hit a pebble. Then "boom!" She fell directly on her knees. The blood started slithering out of the flesh that had been screeched onto the concrete . It looked outrageously deep. It stung so exceedingly to the point she had to stagger her way out of the narrow block. 

The noises made by Stacy's agony flung into his ear, urging her teacher to turn back then head towards the left. His eyes scanned the streets but Stacy was no where to be seen. Suddenly his gaze shifted towards the concrete stained with blood. Stacy's blood. "Stacy I know you're here, somewhere. Stacy's heart nearly thumped out of her chest and her knees trembled. The possibilities of the things happing to her, flooded her brain that instant. Stacy shook it rapidly trying the get the disturbing images out of her head then focused on the street she was heading towards.

There wasn't a single person spotted on the streets. No houses. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She found another narrow pathway then leaned against the bricked wall again. Her eyes were starting to close and her head tilted backwards. She couldn't help but feel like the street was awfully familiar, just too familiar.


"Stacy you be a good girl and wait in the car until mummy comes back. Okay?" Mrs Arrington patted Stacy's head then gave a quick peck on her rosey cheek.

"Okay mummy." Stacy smiled sweetly then went back to playing with her Bratz doll.

Before leaving the car Stacy noticed how she adjusted her pearl necklace then redid her lipstick while gripping onto an oval bejewelled mirror. Mrs Arrington sprayed her Chanel number 5 perfume. She made sure to spray only twice since she didn't want it to be too strong but Stacy still coughed then tried to recover as quickly as possible since she didn't want her mummy to be upset. Mrs Arrington climbed out of the car, slamming the door shut, leaving Stacy all on her own in the middle of the narrow streets.

After a while, Stacy got bored with her doll so she started playing with her pigtails and bounced impatiently on her seat. It felt like forever. "Mum!" Stacy yelled aloud inside the car.

She knew that her mum told her not to go anywhere but Stacy was getting so hungry and her mum left no food in the car for her.

Slyly, Stacy opened the car door, springing out of her seat then landing safely on her feat. Her eyes searched the streets while travelling towards the direction she saw her mum walking towards. She kept going further and further but still couldn't find her mummy. In loss of hope, She kept dragging her tiny feet while clutching onto her doll.

Suddenly, Stacy's feet stopped in place, her eyes stretched wide and her mouth fell open. What she saw blew her mind, absolutely blew her mind. "Why is mummy kissing a stranger?" She saw the man squeezing her mum's backside "I thought only dada was allowed to touch mummy like that." Tears started to gather beneath her eyes. She blinked rapidly.

Before the kiss broke Stacy raced back towards the car

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Before the kiss broke Stacy raced back towards the car. All breathless, huffing and puffing. She felt relieved when the car came to sight. She hurried towards it, pulling the door open then cried in hysterics. It was just too much for her little heart to handle.

"Stacy!" Stacy snapped back into reality and the panic began. "Stacy!" He barked again. Stacy's heart started progressively beating faster and her pulse started racing. Her knee stung exceedingly but she had to feel the pain. There was nothing that she could do.

"Stacy come out!" He yelled out of frustration then stomped his right foot hard against the ground. Stacy's heart bounced in place. She had no idea how much longer she had to hide in the dark. The inky backdrop felt so sinister, surrounding her in an eerie stillness.

"Ring ring ring ring!" Stacy's eyes nearly popped out of her skull and her jaw was practically on the floor she felt petrified! hair-raising, spine-chilling, blood-curdling, petrified. She slid her phone out of her pocket, tapping it impatiently and trying to end the call.

Big chunky footsteps plodded towards her direction causing Stacy's blood to pound in her ears. She decided not to waste anymore time then spurted out of the narrow pathway, sprinting as far as possible. "Couldn't Jenna find a better time to call."  The footsteps got clearer and clearer. Suddenly, she came across the pebble, she tripped over last time. Stacy clawed against it, picking it up then chucking it in the other direction. Her teacher's head switched and his body turned.

After a while, the footsteps that were heard all along had completely gone silent, ghost silent. Her feet started to ache and her knees started to tremble but she still kept following her instincts.

A sudden relief washed over her when the familiar street came to sight. She could see the large iron gates from a distant. Stacy was so relieved that her tears were fighting to break free. She decided not to waste anymore time and hurried through the gates, passing her large yard then towards the front door. Fumbling with the keys then slamming the door shut. Her tears started to gather beneath her eyes, sliding down her cheeks. She released the deepest breath she had been holding in all along. Her head whipped around searching for Mr Arrington but he wasn't home it was a relief that he wasn't because she wouldn't want to be questioned about staying out so late.

She jogged up the subtle stairs, barging into her bedroom, slumping herself against the bed. Her tears busted forth and she tries to breath in and out slowly, careful not to cole on her own breath. She couldn't believe this happened to her today. She felt so stupid and naive. She couldn't believe her mum had done something like that and she kept it from her dad for so many years, in fear of them being separated. Stacy shifted herself closer towards Tom, her Thai grey cat then wrapped her arm around his fluffy body. He leaned closer towards her, nuzzling onto her arm and Stacy fell asleep just like that.

Sorry I haven't updated you guys in a while. I was just so busy with exams. I'll try my best to post every Wednesay from now on. Enjoy! Thank you so much for your support.💋

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