To Stress or To Eat

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"Do you know how many calories are in this cupcake?" Stacy questioned the lunch lady. Since, she started working out regularly and began a healthy balanced diet, she wanted to be sure of the food, she was going to eat.

"Are you on a diet?" The lunch lady's eyes were wide while her jaw just dropped. Stacy nodded her head yes in response. "What?" She exclaimed. "She just asked me how many calories, this cupcake has." The lunch lady yelled the information to Vanessa, the other lunch lady behind her.

"Get out!" Vanessa joked while swinging her arm across pointing towards the main entrance which was visible through the cafeteria. "Why are you on a diet?" Vanessa asked as she went around her yellow counter then paced towards Stacy moving her black blazer away from her stomach then stared down at it but Stacy just laughed it off. Stacy knew she wasn't overweight but the lunch lady didn't need to move her freaking blazer and stare down at her stomach like a damn eagle. Students surrounding the cafeteria were probably wondering what the hell was going on. The cafeteria was cramped by too many people, where hardly any glimpse of sunlight passed through. It was bigger than the rest of the rooms but not big enough to fit hundreds of people.

"I'm just trying to stay healthy, that's all." Stacy explained giving them a charming smile.

"Go on, treat yourself

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Go on, treat yourself. Have this cupcake." Vanessa ordered as someone else joined the que for a pizza. But Stacy politely declined then left the que, making her way towards their usual lunch table which was squashed onto the wall and near the large bin, where everyone in the cafeteria dumped their lunches in.

Stacy carefully sat down in the corner of the emerald green bench which surrounded the yellow table when her friends shifted to make space for her. As soon as Stacy joined the lunch table, her friends were already arguing. Well, that's noting new, the friendship group had their ups and downs. They always argued about pointless stuff. Plus some people in the group weren't exactly loyal. Specially, Penny, she was the type of person who would talk behind their backs and betray them over and over again also cause arguments, there wasn't really a single person in the group who hadn't had an argument with Penny. Stacy wanted her gone since the day she started an argument with her, she just brought so much negativity and sadness which Stacy hated, so did Jenna but she was lucky to escape.

Stacy was always direct about things and this time her friends weren't going to stop her from expressing her feelings by saying "Ignore her, we'll have to live with it till we go off to college" and "she would tell you off" or "Penny is sensitive" Sensetive? My ass!

"Why have you been slagging me off?" Brittany asked, looking grumpier than usual.

"I havn't been slagging you off." Penny lied.

"Yes, you have! Isabella and I heard you, telling Chloe that the only reason Toby dumped me was because I was an obsessed psycho girlfriend, who called him every minute to check if he was cheating or not...That's a lie!" Brittany exclaimed. "You don't know what happened between us."

"I didn't say that!" Penny lied as Stacy delicately bit her salad, listening to the same old drama, about Penny betraying them.

"Yes you have." Brittany snapped and its been fifteen minutes of the argument but they still hadn't stopped.

"What is your problem!" Penny exclaimed while throwing her hands high up in the air, venting her frustrations.

"Oh, I'll tell you what's the problem." Stacy flicked her sleek ponytail away from her shoulder, finally speaking out after getting so sick and tired of it.

Instantly, the people at the table glanced around at each other indicating Stacy was going to change a lot of things today. "You're a negative bowel of shit!" She huffed." Why do you always have to be two faced? You create arguments between people." Her brown eyes narrowed "I don't need that kind of negativity in my life so I want you out of the group." Stacy expressed. Suddenly, Penny's jaw just dropped revealing her hot pink braces, she felt some sort of tension, thinking that the group might be finally kicking her out and that was all because of the person she hated the most in the group...Stacy!

Stacy had no idea where the wit and the sharp tounge came from but she was somehow loving it.

"So.. who wants Penny out of the group?" Brittany asked the girls.

"Oh, that Brittany... can't she just shut her damn mouth." Penny mumbled quietly. Immidietly, all the girls raised their hands to kick Penny out. Penny was raging, she couldn't believe, she was officially kicked out of the group and by who? Stacy! "She was worse enough when Jenna was around but now she's being controling?" Penny was plotting revenge in her head already. Seemed like Penny had to find herself a new friendship group.

After, the long ass argument, Stacy sluggishly made her way to maths. Just wanting to go home and forget about school.

"thump!" A loud noise echoed down the narrow corridor.

"What was that for?" Stacy yelled as she lifted her chin away from the dusty old school carpet but Brighton and his mates just laughed it off. Except for Mitch who looked at her apologetically. After, Brighton purposely made her trip. Hasn't Brighton troubled her enough? "It's not funny!" Stacy expressed, kneeling on the ground while getting fed up with everything going on in her life but then she reminded herself everything happens for a reason, she's strong enough to handle it and she's reacting exactly how they wanted her to. After, a moment of raging in her head, she gracefully lifted herself up and glided away from them.

The boys in Stacy's school were famous for doing all sorts of psychotic things like setting fire to other school bins and shanking people with a compass. No wonder why people avoided going towards Stacy's school. Sometimes, she felt kind of glad to be a girl because the guys had some deranged troubles of their own. Like this one time in the boys changing room, a short Tamil kid walked in and Brighton grabbed his pants, then pulled it down, revealing his manhood. People's jaw dropped and their hearts were aching with so much laughter after, seeing the size of it. Since then, he was known to be called "One inch brownie."

That wasn't the first time racism was involved but isamephobia and homophobia were also big issues like the time when a Muslim girl joined the school and they kept calling her a terrorist, pulled her hijab off then spat on her until she felt forced to take it off. And the time when a boy become so open about his sextualy, he felt proud to tell others but they hated that, hated how confident he was so they beat him up until he started bleeding. They only acted that way because....because....They were different from others?

The reason for Stacy's hate wasn't racial or anything but it was only because she was smart and confident. The girls in her school just couldn't stand it. Can you actually believe people these days?

Blessing you all with a picture of Daniel Preston (Spencer List) I know how much you all love him.

Blessing you all with a picture of Daniel Preston (Spencer List) I know how much you all love him

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Separation Between Usजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें