S2;C10; Stray Lamb Vs. Sheepdog

Start from the beginning

"That's me on the cover, y'know?"

"Wh—! No, I-I didn't know that! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stare! I-it caught me off guard," I explained frantically as I backed away from the book.

"No, no, no, I'm just kidding," the girl laughed. "I just like to tease everyone that comes over to this section of the library.

"Oh... Do you work here?"

"Yup! Student librarian," the girl said proudly.

"Nice," I mumbled as I glanced up at the entrance; I smiled when I saw Giorgi waving at me and waved back.

"Is Giorgi your boyfriend?" The short girl asked me as she ran her fingers over her thick braids.

"Yeah," I chuckled as a warm blush tinted my cheeks. "You know him?"

"Heck yeah! We were pretty close in high school. I mean, we're still good friends now. We just don't talk much, you know?"

"Oh, I see," I mumbled, as I watched my boyfriend and his friends talk amongst each other. "How often do you guys talk?"

"Meh. We text every now and then. Check in on each other and whatnot... This is the happiest I've seen him in a while. How long have you guys been together?"

My cheeks burned terribly as I thought about the question. Giorgi's the one to keep track of how long we're dating. I just cook, eat and whine.

"I-I think we've been romantic with each other for...several months? But to be quite honest I-I don't really know... Giorgi's better at keeping dates. I just cling to him without any real thought...if that makes even the slightest bit of sense."

"Oh," the girl mumbled. "Yeah, I think it makes sense. That's cute."


"How you obliviously cling to him. It's because he makes you feel better, right?"

"Yeah," I answered quietly as I moved my eyes to skim over some more books. Oblivious... I'm not obliviously clinging to Giorgi. I do it exactly because I want to be with him because he makes me happy... Hmm.

"I said something wrong. I'm sorry," the girl chuckled. "I didn't mean to be rude or anything."

I barely glanced at her before putting a smile on my face and shrugging. "It's fine. I'm just...," I trailed off quickly with another shrug.

"...Oh! I'm Inar'Annaya, by the way! You can call me Annaya for short, though."

"I'm Cameron Omartian. Cam for short, if you want," I offered, picking up a book with a black and white cover. Upon staring at the book for a while, I realized that the picture on it was a man's bulge in a pair of boxer briefs.

It looks so big... Like, it's abnormally big.

I squinted at the picture and scuffed a bit of air through my nose when I saw a very discreet outline of something inside the man's underwear.

He's wearing rolled up socks in his briefs. Tch. I should show Giorgi. He'd have a good laugh at this.

I smiled as I thought about my boyfriend's deep chuckle and a small blush crept up on my cheeks.

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