S1:C6; Tiny Little Panic Attack and Cheese Balls

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"Hey, Coop? Cam? Did you guys get yesterday's homework done?" Giorgi asked as he dropped his bag and sat to the right of me. Cooper chortled at our friend's baggy eyes and I couldn't help but giggle at his lack of sleep as well. "I read through the whole assignment five times and I just— I don't get it!" Giorgi growled.

"Calm down, just take mine," Cooper chuckled as he handed over his notebook and laptop. "My little angel right here helped me out. Treated me every time I got something right, too," Cooper said in an erotic tone to Giorgi.

I eventually learned what the word meant.

"What'd you give him," Giorgi asked me with wide eyes. "Nothing!" I laughed. "He let me kiss him wherever I chose," Cooper told Giorgi in a boastful tone. I rolled my eyes and Cooper guffawed as he snaked his arms around my waist. "Oh...nice," Giorgi said in a slightly distant mumble.

"Giorgi?" I started. "Yeah...?" He was hesitant to meet my eyes. "Are you homophobic?" I asked, attracting many of our classmates' attention. "What?! No! I'm not homophobic! I'm just thinking," Giorgi announced, coaxing everyone to go back to focusing on their work. "Cooper! You and Erin are still together," Giorgi mentioned. The sound of her name immediately drained me of my happiness. Not all of it, but a good amount was lost.

Cooper growled lowly: "Yes, but I'm not happy. Cameron makes me happy. Erin is too clingy and selfish of me. Cameron, however, is so not-clingy, I have to ask him if he still likes me from time to time, and whenever he says yes, it's like winning the lottery. Every single time."

I smiled at Cooper and he grinned cheekily at me before pressing his lips against my cheek. "Cameron isn't annoyingly selfish of me either. He's adorably selfish of me. He cancelled on this guy called Cram, or whatever—"

"Graham," I corrected.

Cooper chuckled and squished my cheeks before continuing: "Cameron cancelled plans with the guy to hang out with me just so that I wouldn't have to take Erin out."

"Wait... Cameron, who's Graham?" Giorgi questioned.

Cooper started to explain but Giorgi immediately cut him off and asked me to speak instead. "Um... Graham is a senior in high school. We met at the movies when Cooper took me. Cooper and I were talking and Graham and two other guys came in and...um, what happened..? Oh! Graham came up to me and, you know, me being the super-paranoid, shorter-than-most-guys, punching bag that I am, I just started begging him not to hit me," I chuckled as an embarrassing warmth creeped up on my cheeks.

"But he just started being super nice to me! He put his number in my phone and put mine in his, and he called me cute and things like that. He's a lot like Cooper. Just a bit taller," I mentioned, patting Cooper's arms as they still rested around my waist. Giorgi seemed really interested in my story, but he also looked incredibly upset. "You cancelled plans with him?" He questioned. "I-I— Yes...should I not have?" I asked.

"No! You shouldn't have! Graham was flirting with you and he was trying to take you on a date! Cameron, text Graham. Ask him to hang out this Friday. I'm having a group date night thing at my apartment. You and Graham should come by," Giorgi said. "O-okay...but what about Cooper," I questioned.

"He can come over with Erin. Or he can come by himself or not at all," Giorgi said, glaring at Cooper. "Why are you angry," I asked Giorgi, grabbing his hand. "Because Cooper's going back to his old ways," he said before getting up and grabbing the shoulder of Cooper's shirt. "We need to talk. Let's go," Giorgi commanded.

Cooper scoffed and looked up at our taller friend. "Not now. We're in class," he said simply. "Get up, Cooper," Giorgi demanded quite frighteningly. I patted Cooper's arms and asked him to go with our taller friend and he reluctantly did so.

Fatal Obsession (BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora