S3:C19; Jealousy

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I hope you enjoyyyy!!!


My and Giorgi's trip to Paris was over sooner than later, and we were walking up to our front door. Upon opening it and entering our house, we saw Darnel asleep on the floor with Corgi lying atop of his legs. Both of them were snoring.

"I'm gonna set our junk in our bedroom, dear fiancé," Giorgi said quietly, pecking my left temple before walking off. I smiled and blushed as I went into the kitchen and checked the fridge for any more bottled waters. "Oh, Darnel restocked some stuff," I noticed aloud. "He's so sweet." I chuckled, grabbing a bottle.

With a low, mumbled voice I hummed along to Giorgi's favorite song that replayed in my head from the drive home. It was a really pretty song that I knew I'd heard before, but couldn't really place where or when.

Silently and quite abruptly, my fiancé had stepped into the kitchen and grabbed my waist, listening to my soft mumbling and swaying our hips. "Did you like that song," he asked, leaning down and kissing my jaw when I'd stopped. "I really like it. It's cute," I whispered. "You should play it more often."

"You should sing it more often."

"I don't sing. I hum."

He blew down the back of my neck, his cool breath grazing down my spine, and I shuddered, making him laugh.

"Let's go to sleep. It's past ten, and we've got school tomorrow," he said softly. I nodded and pulled Giorgi behind me, keeping both of our hands interlaced with the other's. Before closing the door, he had pulled my hoodie off of me and then removed his own, so that we were both half nude. Then his lips were against mine, and we were very quickly deepening our kiss. His teeth bit over my bottom lip as I pulled back for air, and he smirked when I made a small whimper upon swirling our tongues around.

The kiss was getting more and more intense as we continued, and we both paused when we realized how heavy we were breathing. I knew we were both wondering how far this was going by the look on my fiancé's face. Since we'd had sex practically every other hour of every day that we were up in France, I wasn't really too excited to do anything tonight. Luckily, Giorgi wasn't either, and made that clear by pressing one more kiss against my lips.

"Quit being nasty, Cameron," he teased, smirking against my mouth. I laughed softly and he pecked my lips once more before closing our door, taking off his pants, and crawling into bed with me.

Upon waking up, I wiped my mouth clean of drool and groaned when I saw that I had left a small puddle on Giorgi's abs before wiping that with a shirt from the floor. I was too tired to know who it belonged to. I got up and went to bathroom, and as I washed my face, I allowed myself to get distracted by my ring.

Oh my goodness.... I can't believe I'm going to marry Giorgi! I'm so excited! I can't wait to show everyone at school! Tyson'll be so happy for us! Agh~, I can't wait to catch up with Tyson, it's sure been a while since I last saw him... He's been so busy with his new girlfriend...

"Babe~," Giorgi growled from our bedroom. "Stop leaving me in bed when you wake up. Your beauty routine is unnecessary. You're face is flawless."

"Only 'cause I leave you in bed to do my beauty routine," I retorted, receiving a groan back.

Within a minute of continuing on with washing my face, Giorgi dragged himself into the bathroom and used the toilet while asking me what I wanted to do today.

"I want to show everyone that we're engaged," I replied, incapable of hiding my excitement. Not that I wanted to, anyway.

My fiancé smiled as he flushed, and butterflies filled my stomach when I glanced over and saw him blushing a cute shade of red. "You're so fuckin' cute..." he mumbled. At least, that's what I thought I heard.

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