S4:C6; Relaxed?

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Two Days Later...

"Gio~," I groaned, dropping my head against his chest as he held my hips.

I was in the middle of baking some muffins to calm my mind and nerves after I'd gotten myself so worked up about Cooper, Amani, my confrontational classmates, and finals. I had even passed out from exhaustion at the dinner table yesterday. Giorgi was terrified that I would faint again, so he hadn't left my side since last night.

"I know you're tired of me, sweetheart, but I really don't want you to pass out again without me here to catch you," he pouted before kissing my head.

"What, no, I'm not bothered by you staying with me," I said quickly. "I'm so tired of whatever attraction I have... I wanna get a botched surgery on purpose. Move my nose over onto my forehead. Would you still love me?"

"Not as much as I do now," Giorgi said bluntly, making me laugh. "But you know, Cameron, as hot as you are, face, body, and voice...it's not the only thing that's attractive about you... You're smart, and patient, and you listen to people. Like, genuinely. You remember what's important to people and you always give them a chance to feel important... To feel like they mean something..."

I frowned a small pout and turned to face my husband, caressing his cheeks as he smiled a small, reminiscent grin while he stared at my lips.

"That's what you did with me. I didn't feel like anyone saw me as anything more than a big, dumb, popular jock that was only let into the school because of his parent's money, but you didn't make any sideways remarks about how big I am, or how quick I am to get frustrated when I feel dumb, and you never pay court to me like everybody else does to, like...bask in the limelight that comes with being friends with a popular jock," Giorgi rambled adorably. "You always talk to people with patience and genuine curiosity about who they are without paying any mind to the rumors surrounding them... It's your most amazing and toxic trait, baby."

With that, he pressed a slow, passionate kiss to my lips and I hummed against his, leaning into his chest as he pulled back. "I can't help it... I know how it feels to be ignored or judged because of a lie or rumor, and I don't want anybody else to feel like that. It's depressing," I mewled, moving my hands down to hold Giorgi's waist.

"I know, baby, and it's not your fault that these people are becoming obsessed with you, you know that. They're associating you as their happiness, when they should simply be happy to hang out with you. Instead of trying to make more friends like you, people are subconsciously claiming you as their own, and when they get jealous or think that they're going to lose your attention to someone else, they start acting up in dangerous and sketchy ways in order to keep you to themselves. That's what Tammy did, and Cooper, and sometimes myself..." he mumbled the last bit.

"It's really cute when you do it, though, because it doesn't seem psychotic. It's just like, 'aww, Gio wants me to himself, we're so cute,' you know" I tittered, getting on my toes for a split second to peck my husband's lips.

"The cutest," he chuckled, kissing me a smidge longer. "Has the Professor done anything like that? Selfish? Or greedy?"

"Mm... No, not really. The only thing I can think of is when he makes suggestive or, like, teasing remarks really loud in front of my classmates..."

"Like what?"

"Like when he comes over to my desk, everybody starts whispering and stuff about what they think we're talking about, or what our relationship is, so before he leaves my desk, he always makes a flirty or provocative joke like 'meet me at my place after school,' or 'come to my office now,' or something along those lines to make my class think that we're more than what we are. It's a teeny bit funny when everyone gets flustered, but it's kind of annoying because they start hating on me, too. Some guy came up to me about it, you remember when I told you?"

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