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Just wanted to say I love you 🥺 Feeling extra appreciative today 🥰


Isaacs POV

"No way, bro!" I laugh. "You shouldn't mix weed with benzos."

"Are you serious?" Ryan responds. "I do that all the time!"

"Dude, why?! That shit makes you so fucking tired!"

"Tired? Nah, man. It makes me so much more alert—like I'm thinking about everything more deeply."

"What the fuck?" I snicker. "What kind of benzos are you taking?"

"I don't fucking know," he shrugs.

"Who sells it to you, anyway? I'd never trust you with that shit."

"I have a prescription, dude! My doctor writes it up for me when I see him!"

"What could you possibly need benzos for? You don't have anxiety!"

"Nah, bro. That's some pussy shit. It's for ADHD."

"ADHD?" I scowl. "You don't use benzos to treat ADHD."

"Well, apparently my doctor does! He gives me something... something that starts with an A."


"Yes! That's the one!"

"Adderall is not a benzo you fucking idiot," I laugh. "It's like the opposite of a benzo!"

"Yeah, it is! Trey told me!"

"Yeah? If Trey told you he pissed Jägermeister, would you believe him?"

"Well if he pissed Jägermeister, he'd be a fucking legend!" he chuckles.

"I'm already a legend, you fuckhead," Trey joins in on our conversation, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Much more of a legend than you'll ever be, Mr Limp Dick."

"Bro, seriously?! Why the fuck you gotta bring that up, huh?" Ryan shakes his head.

"Because it's fucking funny, dude!"

"I'm way too fucking young to have an erectile dysfunction!"

"Have you tried Viagra?"

"Of course, I fucking have, you dick! That shit doesn't work."

"Weed can give you limp-dick," I comment. "Maybe you should stop smoking."

"Fuck no!" He scoffs loudly. "I'd rather never get hard again."

"No fucking way, dude!" Trey responds. "There's no better feeling than coming all over a desperate bitch."

"I don't fucking know, man. Fucking while high is where the real beauty's at."

"Well, speaking of real beauties..." Trey motions to the side, turning his head towards the courtyard. "Ivory Ferrari's been staring at us all night."

"What? No fucking way."

I follow their gaze, spotting her sitting outside one of the restaurants. It's already starting to get dark out, but I can still make out who she's with.

Erin Reynolds.

I didn't know they were friends. I shouldn't be surprised, though. Erin knows everyone, and everyone knows Ivory.

"She looks fucking smoking, dude," Luke comments. The whole group must be looking her way now.

He's right, though. Ivy looks hot as fuck. She's not wearing tights and a skirt like she was in class today. She's gotten changed into a dress—a black one.

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