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I drive down the highway, lazily holding my foot down on the gas pedal. The farmlands have slowly turned back into civilisation and the road signs to Princeton University are getting bigger and bigger. But once I take the exit, I don't need those signs anymore.

I'm less than 3 miles away—5 minutes from seeing her again. That's where I need to be, wherever she is.

Part of me wished I'd taken her to the prison with me, but I never actually planned to go. And even if I did, I'd regret it. Ivy doesn't belong in a place like that, not even to visit. She's too... I don't know, angelic, I guess. If sounds dumb and cliché, but it's true.

I should've bought her flowers or something. I don't think she'd care necessarily, but it would be a nice gesture, and she deserves a lot more than that. I promised her I wouldn't do this kind of stuff again. I was going to be more reliable and show her I could be the guy she needs.

I can be that guy. I am that guy. I just need to control myself some more. What's that called, again? Impulsivity or something? I just act on instinct sometimes. It's like I don't even get a chance to think about it.

And if this shit keeps happening, I need to at least buy a portable charger so I can keep her in the loop. I mean, as soon as I arrived at the prison, I regretted going there. I wanted to tell Ivy what happened, where I was, and how I was feeling. I wanted to apologise for reacting so badly and for not telling her how I felt sooner.

But I'm going to make it up to her. I swear I will.

The building finally comes into view. I can't tell if I'm nervous or excited or both. I just want to see her.

And then I do, sooner than I expected.

I slam down on the brakes, blocking off the driveway.

"Hey!" I jump out of the car. "What the fuck is this?!"

Three police cars are standing in the lot, parked right in front of the building. They don't have their lights on. I can only see one of them. They're just outside the entryway.

It's Ivy. She's with Leah and Erin, and for whatever reason, Melissa is there too.

What the absolute fuck?

The group turns to look at me as I march towards them. One of the officers takes a step in my direction, but that doesn't stop me. Whatever is happening right now, I don't fucking like it.

"Can we help you, Sir?" the cop asks.

"Yeah, what the fuck are you doing talking to those girls?!"

"Hey, hey!" Ivy hurries forward, grabbing my arm to stop me from coming too close.

"Settle down. These ladies are just assisting us in an investigation," the officer says.

"Bullshit," I spit. Leah wouldn't help the cops with anything, and I'd hope Ivy wouldn't, either.

"You aren't supposed to be here," she mumbles under her breath. "You need to leave."

"Why? What's going on?"

"You need to go, okay?" she shoves me backwards. "Like, right now."

"What the fuck, Ives?" I push her hands off me. "What are you doing?"

"Sir, which one of these ladies is your partner?" the cop asks, but Leah responds for me.

"None. He's lying," she says. "He's just a friend."

In the Absence of LightWhere stories live. Discover now