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Guys.... this is it. This is the final chapter. There will be no more chapter updates for this book. 

I'll update you with more information soon, but for now... enjoy ❤️

I love you all so much ❤️



I eye the man before me, pursing my lips to prevent myself from smiling. He looks so calm. There's not a single wrinkle on his forehead, and his eyes are completely worry-free. He's looking at me too, but he's not afraid to hide his smile, amused at my own attempt to do so.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Just admiring you," I respond, smirking confidently.


"Is that not allowed?"

"Of course it is," he says. "I just didn't expect that answer."

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know," he shrugs. "For you to apologise, like you always do."

"Not this time," I shake my head. "I like looking at you."

"Yeah? I hope you're enjoying the view."

"Of course I am."

"That's good. It would suck if you didn't, you know... considering I'm your boyfriend," he teases, referring back to our altercation with the police.

"Hey, I never said that!" I defend. "I told him we were dating, and he just assumed."

"Sure," he speaks sarcastically. "Keep telling yourself that."

"I'm serious!"

"Just admit it," he taunts. "You want to be with me."

"Stop," I chuckle. "You already know I do."

"So, remind me again... why aren't we?"

"You know why," I give him a pointed look. We had this conversation last week. We were sitting right here, in this same booth on the upper level of the record store. It's our booth—the one we've always sat at, tucked in the corner of the building under a large window. Last time we were here, Isaac was covered in bruises and bandages. He isn't now, but the circumstances are still the same.

Both times, we were separated.

Isaacs's face drops, all humour suddenly gone. He must be having the same thoughts I am.

Last time, he promised he wouldn't disappear on me again—that he wouldn't just take off and leave me in doubt. But that's exactly what happened.

He shuffles closer to me. We're sitting on the same side of the booth this time, so the table can't keep us apart. I don't need that barrier anymore.

"I'm so sorry, Ivy," he looks me in the eyes, reaching out to take my hand. "I didn't mean to leave you like that. I kept wanting to call you, but my phone died, and I didn't have a charger."

"What was it like?" I ask him. "To see your dad, I mean."

He already told me where he went, and I understand why he went there. It couldn't have been easy for him, for his own sister to compare him to the man he hates most in this world.

That comment made everything worse. The conversation still could've been turned around. It could've become civil again, and the two could talk things out. But she hit him right where it hurt. He got so mad after that, and I don't blame him. He wasn't exactly being nice, but what she said was just cruel.

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