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hi guys ❤️

we're so close to 10k reads, it's making me so excited. thank you all so much for following along and commenting, voting, sharing, etc!!! i love you guys so much 🥺❤️



My fucking supplier wouldn't give me any less than a fucking pound. A fucking pound of weed! All I asked for was a damn ounce and now I have 16 of them, with not enough people to sell to. A pound is my usual order. It's what I get when I know I can get rid of it ASAP. But now I'm stuck with it.

That shits worth $3200 and I owe him 50% of it.

All I wanted was $100. That's all I need to cover rent. Now I'm going to have to spend the night finding new clients. I have to do that anyway, but not fucking tonight. I didn't even want to fucking go out tonight. But I need to get rid of this shit before I get caught with it. The more product I have on me, the hasher my sentence, and I'm not fucking going to prison again. I'm not fucking doing it.

"Yo, Beth!" I call out to her from across the room, shoving the group of people aside as I walk towards her. She glances up at me with a smile on her face but doesn't stop swaying her hips to the beat of the music.

"Hey! I didn't know you were coming tonight!"

Why the fuck would she? We don't talk unless she needs weed.

"Yeah, I'm working," I tell her.

"Aw, boo!" she takes my hand, trying to pull me towards the dancefloor. But I don't budge. I don't fucking dance. "You never have any fun!"

"I'm not here for fun."

"All work and no play, huh?" she laughs.

"Do you need any product?" I ask her. "I've got stacks to get rid of."

"Come on, Isaac! Loosen up a little!" she nudges me with her elbow. "Come dance with us!"

"I'm not in the mood, Beth," I tell her. "I'm selling in half ounces tonight. How much do you need?"

"Not that much! Go ask Krista! Her stash is empty."

"Who the fuck is Krista?"

She points to her friend on the dance floor. She's jumping up and down to whatever garbage song is playing now. Her drink is spilling all over the place, but she doesn't seem to care. I definitely recognise her. I sell to her all the time—never knew her name, though.

"Hey, Kris!" Beth grabs her friend by the hand, dragging her out of the dance floor to join us in the back corner of the room. Krista looks up at me, her eyes wide and bloodshot. She's drunk as fuck.

"Hey!" she grins. "It's Isaac!"

"Yeah, it is," Beth nods. "You need weed, don't you?"

"Fuck yes!" she turns to me, stumbling into my arm. "I'll take anything you can give me!"

"How much do you need?" I ask her.

"How much do you have?" she wriggles her eyebrows suggestively, leaning into my chest. I take a step back.

"More than you want. What's your usual order?"

"5 joints!"

I don't deal by the joint.

"A quarter ounce?" I ask. She nods her head eagerly, leaning into me once more. "You want to double that tonight?"

"Nope, I like seeing your face every week," she lifts her arm up, reaching for my jaw, but I shove her hand away before she can touch me.

In the Absence of LightWhere stories live. Discover now