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I drag my feet over the floor as I walk into the apartment, collapsing onto the couch like a sack of potatoes. Erin looks over at me in amusement, turning down the music playing in the background, but I wish she'd turn it up. There's nothing I'd like more than to just turn my brain off and listen to some folk music.

"You look tired," Erin comments.

"I'm exhausted. I feel like I haven't slept in days."

"Have you?"

"Not really," I shake my head. My mind's been racing. I wasted so much time today. I should've been studying but instead, I was stuck in that record store all day. I don't mind, really. I know it was the right thing to do, but I just wish I had brought some work to do.

"You're going to sleep so well tonight then," Erin jokes, but I don't think I will. I'm seeing Isaac again tomorrow. We're not doing anything crazy—just taking it easy. Today was a bad day. It was sad and tiring and just... rough. Isaac said he wanted to do something fun to make up for making me spend the day looking after him, but he's looked after me plenty of times, too. Besides, he's injured. He can't really do anything fun. On top of that, I would feel far too guilty if I spent another day avoiding my studies, so I suggested we have a little study date at the library.

He wasn't down for that. He just laughed and mocked me for being 'nerdy'. But he has the same test I have, so he should be studying too. Eventually, he agreed on a study date, as long as we could do it in a café instead of the library. Apparently, he hasn't even been into the library—never in the entire four years he's been at college.

I don't know how he manages. I know he studies music, so he probably needs certain equipment to produce his songs and complete his assignments, but he must've taken some electives, too. I mean... we're both in criminology and I highly doubt music production requires anyone to study that.

First, I assumed he must barely be scraping by and struggling to pass any of his classes, but that can't be true. He's smart. It's just a stereotype, you know... being a tattooed ex-criminal drug dealer. But that's such bullshit. That's not who he is at all. He's... an angel. He's so sweet and considerate. He makes great music, and always has solid arguments in criminology, even if we disagree at first. But he's also emotionally intelligent. He's mature and aware of his own attitudes and behaviours. He knows he has things to work on, and he's willing to do so. He's perfect.

Ugh. I can't get my mind off him. If I told Erin every time I thought about him, I'd drive her crazy. I'd be the most annoying friend she's ever had. God, I'm even starting to annoy myself.

"How was your day?" I ask Erin.

"Good!" she grins. "I submitted everything I needed to, and I got paid!"

"Hell yes," I laugh. "Have you spent it already?"

"Yep, I bought a new facemask at Sephora."

"Oh, good on you—treating yourself."

"I deserved it," she jokes. "I spoke to my mum today."

"I thought you said you had a good day?" I snicker.

"It was okay, actually. She wants to come visit me."

"Really? She's never been out here before, right?"

"She came to my graduation last year, but that's it."

"What about when you graduated high school?"

"Nope," she shakes her head.

"What?" I scowl. "Why not?

"I don't know... my parents just didn't think it was important, I guess."

In the Absence of LightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora