Thank You & Authors Note

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Guys.... I love you. I love you all so much, my heart can't handle it. 

This is the type of story I've always wanted to write, and hope to continue writing in the future. I loved writing about more than romance, and I feel so lucky that you all loved it too. I truly can't even begin to thank you. We've made it to 30k before I even finished the story. If I could give you all a big hug, I would. 

I hope all of you are okay after all that. I know the book addressed a lot of sensitive topics so feel free to get in touch if you need support or just want to chat. I loved how open everyone was for sharing their own experience sin the comments. It truly opened up a lot of great discussions, and I can't thank you enough for that. I'm proud of every single one of you speaking up and managing together out of bed every morning dispute all the shit going on. ❤️

To be honest, I'm struggling with the end a little. I thought I was done with these characters but I'm not so sure. The book feels complete to me, but I love them so much, I don't want to let go! I don't think I'll write a second book anytime soon, but there will definitely be an epilogue at some point in the future. It probably won't be for a few weeks. I'm writing a light-hearted romance story at the moment, so I'm not really in the headspace to write a deep, emotional chapter again, but I definitely will!! I promise there will be an epilogue. 

For those who have been reading my stories since the OG Ferrari... I'm not done with their world yet. At this point, I honestly don't know if I ever will be. I made sure Lucy and Oliver had a bunch of kids so I could keep writing stories about the family 👀  Not all of them will be as intense as this story was. In fact, the romance I'm writing right now, is a Ferrari story. So... keep your eyes peeled for that. 😉

Alright, I'm going to wrap this up until I start writing a whole speech. 

Make sure to follow me for updates and to keep up with the Ferrari family.

And from the bottom of my heart... thank you ❤️

In the Absence of LightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz