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this story has been #1 in the sexual assault tag for a full week now and my whole heart is exploding 🥺🥺🥺 i love u all so much, i wish i could give you all a million hugs ❤️❤️❤️



"How did things go with your parole officer?" I ask. Last time we were here, there were three officers outside his door, waiting for him to arrive back home. Now, the hallway is empty. But I almost wish there was something here that could make us stay together longer.

"Fine," he shrugs. "He's a bit useless, but he'll be happy to know I got a job now. He thinks I've been living off my dad's money."

"I'm surprised he hasn't gotten suspicious yet."

"Oh, he knows. He definitely knows what I'm up to, but he's too lazy to prove it."

"Aren't you worried he'll follow you one day and catch you doing something?

"I mean... he could, but he won't. Since I got released, I only really go out for work, not to be social or anything."

"You used to party a lot, didn't you?"

"Not really. I just sold a lot more product than I do now."

"So you are being a little more careful?" I laugh.

"I guess so, yeah. I used to sell everything. Now I just try to stick to weed. I don't trust these people with anything more than that."

"I almost bought LSD from you once," I confess. He raises his brows in surprise.


"Yeah, I partied a lot in my freshman year. I drank way too much but never took any drugs. Melissa just wanted to try it, but I couldn't do it. Drugs just... scare me a little."

"They should. I mean, LSD is fun, but half the time you end up feeling like you're having a heart attack or some shit."

"Ew," I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

"Exactly," he laughs. "You're better off sticking to weed and booze."

"Do you drink a lot?"

"I used to. I'd drink all the time when I was dealing. I was so fucking reckless back then, but I can't keep that shit up anymore."

"I'm glad," I smile. "You're a lot more responsible than you seem."

"I'd hope so," he scoffs. "I'm not surprised you hated me before."

"I didn't hate you."

"It's okay. The feeling was mutual," he laughs.

"I guess we just didn't know each other."

"Yeah," he nods. "I was wrong about you, though."

"Yeah," I agree. "I was wrong about you, too."

We let our words hang in the air, but our silences aren't awkward anymore. They're just natural. Even if they were awkward, I would happily sit through them knowing it would just lead to us talking more.

By the time we reached our apartment building, the sun had set. It was dark, but I wasn't feeling anxious. Part of me thinks it was because we were basically already home and the streetlights were pretty bright, but another part of me knows it's because of Isaac.

Comfortable isn't the right way to describe how he makes me feel now. He makes me anxious, but not like before. It's anxious in an exciting way—like I'm desperate to know what's going to happen next.

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