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I always try not to post an authors note at the beginning of every chapter bc it can be so annoying but we've reached 5k reads and I just feel so lucky 😭

I love you all so much ❤️



Turns out, we weren't the only ones wanting to enjoy the nice weather. It's gotten busier and busier as the hours ticked by. There must be at least fifty other people here now, mostly other students. I've recognized a couple, but no one I'm concerned about. A few of Erin's friends showed up, though. She introduced me to them, and we've been hanging out ever since. They seem friendly enough, and if they're friends with Erin, they must be good company to keep. But I've still kept my distance. It takes me a while to warm up to people I don't know. Erin knows that, so she's let me stay quiet in the background, only occasionally encouraging me to join them.

They're in the water right now, messing around with a blow-up flamingo one of them brought. I'm lying on my towel, reading a new chapter in my legal textbook. It's starting to get dark, though. It's still early, but I'm ready to call it a day. I've been ready to go home for a while now. I just don't want to drag Erin away from her friends. She's having fun, and I don't want to spoil that.

I don't have anything to do at home, anyway. It's just a little tiring being around all these people. It makes me paranoid. I'm on high alert at all times, and it's draining. I'm sure Erin wouldn't mind if I asked if we could go home, but I don't mind waiting a little longer, either. It's probably good for me—facing my fears and such.

"Ivy? Is that you?"

I glance over the top of my book, searching for the source of the voice, but it's coming from behind. I sit up, turning around to see Mel heading my way. She's coming from the parking lot, so she must've just arrived.

"Hey," I put my book down, getting up on my feet. I haven't seen her since I spoke with Isaac, and I have no idea what to say to her.

"I was wondering where you were," she says.

"I've been here all day."

"Yeah? Are you with Erin?" she glances over my shoulder, spotting the group in the lake.

"Yeah," I nod. "Who are you here with?"

"Just the girls," she shrugs. She may as well join that damn sorority.

"Oh, cool."

"You should come join us. We're just setting up, but we brought a bunch of Subway on our way here."

"Oh, I'm good, thanks. Erin and I are going home soon."

"Are you sure? I know the girls would love to see you."

That's what she said last time, too.

"I really don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" she furrows her brows. "Don't you want to see them?"

"It's not that," I shake my head. "I just... I couldn't really handle it last time, so I'm just going to sit this one out."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I had no idea there'd be that many people. Or that a fight would break out."

"It's not just that," I say.

"Oh," she frowns. "What's going on?"

"Well, I was actually talking to, uhm, Isaac the other day and he–."

"Isaac West?"

"Yeah, I know we're not–."

"Since when are you two friends?"

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