part 23: information and graduation

Start from the beginning

Issei: that's it.

Kuroka: just this? Okay then.

She puts the note between her breasts. She looked into his eyes and his face, she saw some markings.

Kuroka: what are those markings on your cheeks?

Issei: ???

He gets up and looks in the mirror, he saw 3 red whisker like marks parallel to each other on each check.

Issei: it' hers.

Kuroka: like who's?

Issei: youkai bond with someone at first sight?

Kuroka: some times right away, some times it sets in later. At times both people have a slight physical change once the bond becomes that what those marks are?

She covers her lower face in surprise.

Kuroka: oh boy it really is! Congratulations!!

Issei:...uh thanks... I just needed to confirm. If what you say about this is true then why are you not waiting for your right partner?

Kuroka: cause Shirone and I are the last of our kind. She's too young so it falls on me to bring out race back from extinction. I can't wait for someone to come along. What if he's already dead or can't have kids? Too many uncertainties and if I wait then I'm waiting for extinction.

Issei: my mind is full of what ifs too.

Kuroka: ....... I found your soul mate and you're in love with Rias. You're torn between choosing one of them because you renounced your harem dream. I guess you can only truly love one person at a time.

Issei: you figured it out so quickly.

Kuroka: I may by slutty but I'm not blind.

Issei: there's more to you then just being eye candy. You should show that other side of you, beauty and brains.

She blushed a little.

Kuroka: really think so?

She asked as she smiled.

Issei: I know so....I'll be leaving tomorrow so how about all of us have a snowboarding race?

Kuroka: I never did it before so I don't know how.

Issei: how good is your balance?

Kuroka: it's pretty good.

Issei: then you'll be a natural. Come on, let's ask the others before it gets dark, no gears, swords, magic, just us.

Kuroka: sounds fair.

They go ask the others. They agree including Arthur who was interested to see what he could without any swords or powers. They go the highest mountain and plan a route. Once they do they get on the boards, they went down the mountain. La Fey being the smallest was having a bit of trouble at first but got the hang of it. Arthur was planning each and every move but when he saw everyone smile, he decided to go on instinct. He didn't notice but he was smiling once he decided to feel instead of think. Kuroka was the embodiment of balance, Issei and Vali were racing each other, Bikou was the superior snowboarder due to his time on his flying nymbus. He had the best air time, made the best turns and shredded the path. He was the fastest too and won the race. The others caught up after a few seconds.

Issei: not bad at all Bikou.

Bikou: thanks. This was fun.

Arthur: I agree wholeheartedly. I felt alive.

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