Chapter 7

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Danny's POV

She's so beautiful. Her long blonde hair, her slightly tan skin, her gorgeous blue eyes. She's so small and cute at least 5ft and she's not really skinny or big, she's just right, she's got curves in all the right places and everything else is in amazing proportion if you know what I mean. I love her smile, I love her laugh, just everything. She's perfect.

"El has worked here since she turned 16, she started of waitressing and then when she turned 18 she started serving behind the bar," Billy tells me, "she works here nearly everyday after college and then at the weekend she works at some cafe in town for a couple of hours. After her shift here the cook makes her a meal and she sits down and eats it whilst revising for college, she's a really hardworking young lady," he nods with a smile.

"Why doesn't she go home to do that?" I frown.

"She doesn't like going home," he shakes his head, "if she could she'd move out and never go back unless things changed for good."

"Why? What goes on?" I asked intrigued.

"Her Father is this businessman and he's always been too busy, El gets to see him about three weeks a year and within that time he's getting drunk and giving her abuse, her Mother doesn't work and lives of her Fathers money, she drinks all the time and sleeps around with men when the Father isn't around and she abuses El, she deserves so much better," he shakes his head looking really upset.

"Has she not got anyone to stay with instead of her parents?" I ask him as I check to see where Elizabeth is.

"No, all her family had, had enough of her parents a month or so before she was born," he shakes his head in disgust, "and her friends they either have no room at their places or they're not a good influence on her," he sighs, "I've offered her money but she won't take it, she doesn't like taking things of people, too proud you see."

"So what nonsense are you putting into Mr Knights head here," Elizabeth giggles as she walks over to us.

"We were talking about you actually," Billy truthfully tells her.

"Oh really," El raises her eyebrows as she rests her arms on the bar, "what's being said?"

"We were talking about you not to you," Billy points at her chuckling.

"Fair enough," she giggles as she glances at me and back at Billy, "it's 7 o'clock Billy, Daisy will be wondering why you're home late."

"7 o'clock already? I better get going, could you call Daisy for me and tell her I'm on my way home," Billy asks Elizabeth as he gets up and puts his coat on.

"Of course I will Billy, and you make sure to call me when you get home so I know you're safe ok?" She says to him as she takes her phone out of her Jean pocket.

"I will dear, and you be careful on your way home on that bike," he warns her as he begins to leave the pub.

"I will Billy don't worry," Elizabeth smiles at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Billy shouts.

"See you tomorrow," Elizabeth says back before Billy walks out of the pub.

"He's a really interesting fella," I say to Elizabeth.

"Yeah he is," she smiles with a nod.

"How long's left of your shift?" I ask her.

"About half an hour," she tells me, "why?"

"Just wondering," I tell her.

"Ok," she smiles.

"You smile a lot," I give her an intrigued smile/scowl.

"Is that a crime?" She carries on smiling.

"Not at all," I chuckle, "I like your smile it's pretty."

Did I really just say that?

"You like my smile because it's pretty?" She giggles.

"Yeah what's so funny about that?" I chuckle.

"Nothing, I just didn't expect you to say that," she shrugs.

"Why because I'm your tutor?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah," she nods.

"It doesn't mean I can't compliment you," I wink.

Oh God. Did I just wink at her? Really?

"Do you flirt with all your students Mr Knight," she raises her eyebrows and pouting her lips a little.

"Danny," I simply say.

"What?" She frowns.

"My names Danny outside of college," I smile, "and I don't flirt with all my students no, only you."

"I wasn't expecting that," she frowns more at herself.

"What do you mean?" I frown at her chuckling.

"I didn't expect you to have a name like Danny," she explains a little, "I thought you would be called Charles or something, with your last name being so different," she giggles.

"What's wrong with Danny like," I gasp making her giggle more.

"Nothing's wrong with Danny, I like it," she nods whilst still smiling at me.

"Good," I chuckle.

Me and My ProfessorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora