Chapter 20

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Danny's POV

I wasn't actually going to ask her to be my girlfriend until later on, on the way to my place but it felt like the right time to ask her.

Me going in a mood earlier was out of order, I admit that, but it's just the way she's so scared of people seeing us together, it annoys me.

All day me and Elizabeth have been texting each other. We text each other everyday as it is anyway but we've been texting each other more.

It's just another five minutes until next session of which Elizabeth is in and I honestly can't wait. I love seeing Elizabeth, she's what gives me the motivation to wake up everyday.

I know we've just made ourselves official but I'm thinking about maybe introducing her to my parents this Sunday. But I'm not sure how she would react to that.

Placing out a load of work packs in front of everyone's seats I write a note on a piece of paper saying, Hey gorgeous x, and slip it inside Elizabeth's pack.

Just as I walk to the front of the theatre everyone starts to walk in. And as they all do my eyes scan through everyone to try and find Elizabeth.

Then I hear the most adorable laugh that belongs to Elizabeth and in she walks with Ellie. As Elizabeth turns to look over at me her smile gets wider. I would just love to go over to her right now and kiss her, but I can't.

"I would like you all to go through your packs and work you're way through them and I want you to go through and do them properly because these will be marked and they are important, and I will expect these to be handed in at the end of the week," I tell the class as they look through the packs only I keep my eyes on Elizabeth to then see her blush and bite her lip. So sexy.

"What are you smiling at?" I hear Ellie ask her as she looks over at Elizabeth's pack, shit.

"Oh, I just remembered something funny I saw on the tv the other day," Elizabeth lies.

"Oh," Ellie frowns before looking at her own work.

Stood there looking at Elizabeth in concern of whether or not Ellie seen the note Elizabeth looks at me with her eyes wide open looking at me in shock and I just hold in my laughter before walking behind my desk and sitting down.

It may only be the start of our boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, but I think me and Elizabeth are going to be in it for the long run. She's everything I've ever wanted and I don't plan on letting her go. She's mine.

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