Chapter 38

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Danny's POV

So as usual I dropped Elizabeth off at home at about 10:30pm and went back home and straight to bed but obviously I brushed my teeth before but anyway, but when I got into bed I could help but think how lonely I actually feel when Elizabeth isn't around. People would probably say me and Elizabeth are around each other way too much and that we'll get bored of one another quicker. But I can honestly say, hand on heart that I won't ever get bored of Elizabeth.

Laying there on my back looking up at the ceiling I hear my phone vibrating on my bedside cabinet.

Rolling over I pick it up and smile when I see it's Elizabeth calling, so answering the call I put my phone to my ear.

"Hey baby," I smile.

"Hey Boo," she giggles.

"What are you calling for? I'm always the one calling you," I chuckle, "is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything's fine, just wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep," she says most likely smiling right now.

"That's why I always call you before I go to sleep," I tell her.

"Really?" She says sounding really shocked.

"Yeah," I smile, "see now if you slept over we wouldn't have to call because we'd both be right there next to each other."

"You're cute," she giggles.

"Why don't you?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Why don't I what?" She says sounding confused.

"Sleep at mine," I say, "yeah why don't you sleep at mine tomorrow night?" I suggest.

" yours.....tomorrow night?" She says as a question.

"Yeah," I frown to myself.

"As in me and you laying and sleeping in the same bed?" She asks.

"Yeah, I mean it was only a suggestion you don't have to, I understand if you don't want to yet-" I say only to get cut off.

"No, no, I want to," she tells me.

"As in yes you're going to sleep at mine tomorrow night?" I raise my eyebrows even though she can't see.

"Yes," she giggles.

"Wahoo!" I cheer making her giggle a little bit more.

"So food shopping together and having our first sleepover all in one night," she giggles.

"Yep," I chuckle popping the 'p'.

"Well this is going to be fun," she says making us both laugh.

"You know, you should wear my shirts more often," I tell her with a smile still spread across my face.

"It was really comfy," she tells me, "which reminds me I actually didn't even leave that at yours, it's in my bag," she laughs, "I'll wash it and bring it in at some point this week."

"No, you keep it," I tell her, "keep at as something to sleep in or something," I chuckle.

"It's not the same when it doesn't smell like you," she says in a sad tone probably pouting that cute bottom lip of hers.

"Then I'll give you one of my shirts for every night you're not sleeping at mine," I smile, "and obviously give me my shirts back so I don't run out of them and it will go around in a cycle," I chuckle making her giggle.

"I think we've got a deal," she says as she comes to an end with her giggling.

And then she yawns. I love her yawns, they're so friggin adorable.

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