Chapter 34

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Danny's POV

"Your family hates me," Elizabeth sighs as she walks to the couch falling back on it with a huff.

We only stayed at my parents place for another hour before we came back to my place. I thought that it was enough of the questions and the awkwardness, and I know if I felt uncomfortable then there was doubt about it that Elizabeth was as well.

"They don't hate you," I chuckle.

"Yes they do," she huffs, "once they find out how old I was and that I was your student they went all weird on me."

"They were just taken a back a bit," I shake my head as I walk toward the couch.

"Yeah and they couldn't make it anymore obvious, and I'm sorry to say it but your brother is a dick," she scoffs making me burst out into laughter.

My brother is a dick and she couldn't be anymore right about it. Many people would have been bothered by their partner calling their brother a dick but I honestly admire Elizabeth more for saying it. She's really truthful and that's one thing that I like about her.

"Don't apologise at all, he is a dick and everyone knows it," I tell her.

"Why can't I just be eight years older with a proper job," she sighs.

"Because if you were eight years older with a proper job I would have never met you and even if I had met you, you would most likely already be with someone if not already married," I sigh as I sit down on the couch beside her head.

"No I wouldn't, you were crazy enough to take me out on a date and even crazy enough to have me as your girlfriend, I don't think anyone is crazy enough to have me as their wife," she laughs, "but that's not the point, your family don't like me."

"Elizabeth they do like you," I sigh loudly, "just it'll take them a bit to get use to it that's all," I smile as I stroke gently with my fingertips under her chin and down her neck a little.

"My age is always going to be a problem to them," she sighs as she closes her eyes.

"Even so it's not a problem to me so it shouldn't be a problem at all," I tell her.

"Why are you with me?" She asks as she opens her eyes and sits up with her feet on the floor and her hands rested on the couch either side of her as she sits up straight to look at me.

"Why are you asking this now?" I frown.

"Because I don't know the answer, and I want to know," she lightly smiles.

"You're smart, adventurous, brave, confident, funny, easy to talk to, you're adorable and just damn right gorgeous," I smile, "and you never fail to put a smile on my face," I say making her blush.

Reaching over to her I wrap my arms around her and pull her back onto my lap making her giggle a little.

"Plus you're perfect and really sexy," I smile as I brush her hair back out of her face.

"Right that's enough," she giggles as she blushes like crazy.

"You asked," I chuckle as I snuggle my face into the crook of her neck.

"I know but you're making me blush," she laughs, "and I don't like blushing."

"I love it when you blush," I tell her as I plant a soft kiss on her neck.

"Shut up," she mutters.

"Why do you always have your hair up?" I ask her as I start to gently play with her hair whilst taking my face away from her neck to look at her.

"Because I don't have it down," she jokes making us both laugh a little.

"But seriously?" I raise my eyebrows.

I know the question was a bit out of the blue, but I've been wanting to ask her for weeks, because she honestly never has her hair down. She had her hair down once but she had it tucked behind her ears and at one side all the time.

"Honestly, I don't know," she shrugs, "I just do."

"You're weird you know?" I smile.

"I know," she smiles, "but if I wasn't weird I wouldn't be who I am today," she giggles.

"True," I nod before I place a soft kiss against her lips.

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