Chapter 26

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Elizabeth's POV

There is seriously nothing to say about my family, I have none, not really anyway. He wants to know about my family or what there is of it, but I'm not ready to tell him.

Just as Danny had went into his bedroom to change into some comfortable clothes there was a knock at his apartment door.

"I'll get it," Danny shouts as he comes running out of his bedroom with just a pair of joggers on and my oh my that body!

"Got company tonight?" I hear the pizza delivery guy ask Danny.

"Yeah, I've got my girl around," Danny tells him.

"Oh so you're with that lass now then, what she called El?" He asks.

"Yeah mate," Danny chuckles, "Elizabeth come here!"

Sighing, I get up and walk over to Danny.

"Babe, this is Ben," Danny says as he puts one of his arms over my shoulder pulling me close against his body.

"Yeah I know," I say both me and Ben laughing, leaving Danny confused, "we used to go to school with each other," I tell Danny.

"Use to actually hang out with each other all the time," Ben smiles at me.

"Yeah," I nod.

"One minute, Danny you're how old?" Ben frowns.

"26," Danny frowns.

"And El who is 18, is with you?" He frowns, "how does that happen?"

"Usually it happens when one person asks out another person and they go out on a few dates before one of them asks the other one if they'd like things to go to the next step," Elizabeth says to Ben as if he's a child.

"Funny you," Ben scowls.

"I know," Elizabeth giggles.

"Anyway I'll leave you two to get on with your night," he wiggles his eyebrows before walking away.

"I didn't know you two knew each other," Danny says as he shuts the apartment door behind us both.

"There's a lot about me that you still don't know," I say to him before taking the food off him and walking into the kitchen with it.

"Yeah, true," he nods.

"Do you always answer the door shirtless?" I ask him as I turn around to face him as I rest back against the work top with my hands placed on it either side of me.

"No actually," he smiles shaking his head, "I was in the middle of changing when Ben came to drop our food off."

"And I could have just answered," I frown.

"You're making me think that you don't want to see my body," he scowls with a smile as he walks closer to me.

"Hey now, I didn't say that," I scowl back at him.

"Then why are you complaining?" He raises his an eyebrow.

"I'm not complaining, I'm just simply asking," I smile as he stops right in front of me.

"And why are you asking?" He smiles.

"Because you shouldn't answer the door without a top on, especially if it's a woman," I say trying to be serious.

"And why's that?" He frowns still with a smile on his face as he places his hands either side of my hands as he comes just inches away from my face to be at my height.

"You're my boyfriend not there's, only I should be able to see your body," I explain.

"You're cute you know," he says looking at my lips and back to my eyes.

Me and My ProfessorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang