Chapter 27

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~~~~~ Spicy start to this chapter ~~~~~

His hands brushed through her hair as she placed her lips passionately against his. Marinette had never kissed like this before. Having his naked body firmly against hers created a whole new experience to making out. Her hand trailed down his torso resting gently on his incredible abs.

"I'm going to work you so fucking hard."

His words inspired her to grind her lower body against his as he pinned her hands down above her head. They were settled in a pile of fabric, grinding, groaning and tangling their tongues in a vicious way.


Marinette looked around the room, trying to find the noise.


She groaned as Adrien began to kiss down her neck pushing his hard member against her heat. Only the material of their underwear stood in the way.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Oh Adrien! Please!"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Marinette shot up to a sitting position realising she was about to cum from her dream. Never in her life had she been so turned on from a dream, and not only that, but the one sentence Adrien had said to her in the dream. She threw herself backwards into her pillows and placed her hands over her face with a groan. It was fair to say there was no getting out of it now. She wanted Adrien physically, and she was quite sure he wanted her too ... well at least his body gave away that he did. Shaking her head she sighed. How was she going to face him later?

It was Thursday morning and Adrien was due to pick Marinette up in about three hours to start their journey down to Monaco. Originally they were going to travel on the Friday ready for the others to arrive on Saturday morning. However, due to the nine hour drive Adrien had decided to spilt it into two, four and a half hour stints meaning she was staying the night with Adrien Agreste, at a hotel. Just the two of them. No distractions. First item she added to the travel list on her phone was nice underwear.

Her mind flew back to the previous evening. It will be forever known as her most favourite photoshoot ever. Adrien in boxers, showing just how well endowed he actually was, she had to control the drool which pooled in her mouth. Marinette closed her eyes bringing up a memory of Adrien's junk in his trunk. She decided he must be least eight inches. Her boxers were skin tight on him, yet she had used average men sizes to create the size guides and templates. A shiver ran down her spine. He was going to be one hell of a guy to break her virginity, and she couldn't wait.

Their night together was pretty ordinary. Adrien said he had some phone calls to make before he could call it quits for the evening. So the itinerary was pretty much; photos, make out. Eat, make out. Make out some more and then he went home. She had missed him and his presence as soon as he had left. This was truly not a healthy addiction.

After a lot of coxing to herself she pried herself from the warm confides of her bed, grabbed her phone and made her way to gather together some food items for her breakfast. Hell, she was definitely going to need all energy she could muster to have a normal conversation with Adrien for that long. Yes, they'd spent a lot of time together recently but not in a none lips and tongues kind of way. Every meet included kissing, kissing and more kissing. Not that she was complaining of course.

Picking up her phone she looked at the Bachelor/Bachelorette WhatsApp group.

Lila Rossi has joined the group

Marinette was quite sure she had thrown up a little in her mouth. Lila was a bitch, and one Marinette didn't want to be around. Especially since Marinette was now with Adrien and was forming some kind of contact with Emilie Agreste, or as she's now know Emilie Graham de Vanily. Marinette had found out that Emilie was actually her biggest client for design commissions. She was shocked when Adrien had told her that his mother was actually EmDeVan, Paris' biggest female fashion house. Gabriel hadn't quite succeeded with the female designs allowing Emilie's previously unknown fashion house to take Paris' top spot. It had been that way for the past six years.

A Renewed Friendship [An Adrienette Story]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant