Chapter 24

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Adrien woke up with what could only be described as the worlds worst migraine. He would quite easily enter himself into the Guinness World Record Book and challenge anyone whom didn't agree. One thing Adrien never did was cry. He was a strong macho man, and macho men didn't cry ... that was until he was delivered life changing information. For the first time since he was fifteen, he'd cried uncontrollably until he fell asleep.

After speaking to Emilie and Amelie, Adrien had comforted Marinette in the safe solitude of Felix's pool house. He was surprised when Marinette managed to pull herself together in fifteen minutes and drag him back to Juniors party, acting her normal amazing self. She held his hand and acted like the perfect aunt and girlfriend. If only people could see beneath her sweet exterior.

He'd played many different scenarios in his head of what might have happened if he wasn't such an ass that faithful day. Each one ended with Marinette healthy, loved and with a family of beautiful blue eyed children causing mischief. For some reason the children he pictured also had blonde hair to compliment the blue of their eyes.

Marinette had continued to smile throughout the party and he was amazed at how resilient she was. There were just so many personality traits he adored about her. He just couldn't stop becoming more and more infatuated. Everything about her was incredible, and he was learning more by the day.

Adrien sighed as he rolled over in his bed to grab his phone. He had no alarm set this morning, knowing he'd need the extra rest. Tapping the screen, the phone lit up causing his brain rebounded against his skull. God he needed some sort of painkiller, and fast.

He saw he'd had four new messages. One from Chloé, one from a one night standing eight months ago, one from Nino and one from Marinette. His heart picked up speed when he saw her name. He couldn't be bothered to check the others, he just wanted to know how his Lady was.

Good morning, Kitty! Are you free Wednesday? I've got three pairs of underwear with your name on them (literally) xx

He smiled at the message and tried to think of a witty reply to send back. He placed one hand over his eyes, blocking out the blue light of his phone. He considered his options and decided whilst a bulldozer was moving around in his head he'd just stick to a straight forward answer. Fuck, he really thought he was going to be sick. Perhaps this was more than just a normal migraine.

He opened his eyes again and quickly typed a response.

Of course, Princess, say 6pm? I've got a magazine interview this afternoon, And I would like to make it known who m'lady is. Would that be ok? xx

Placing his phone down again he headed into the bathroom. Staggering around until he hit his en-suite, he swore his head was going to explode. When he returned home from dropping Marinette off last night, he'd cracked open his laptop and began to search Marinette's condition.

She'd said she might not be able to have children and he wanted to check it out. Perhaps in the future when she was married and considering expanding her family, he could pay to make sure she had the best possible chances. The cost would be nothing to bring her happiness.

A swirling went round his stomach and he felt sick. No wait, scrap that, he WAS going to be sick. Lunging towards his toilet he let out whatever contents were in his stomach. He couldn't decide if it was the migraine or the thought of Marinette getting married to someone that's not him.

"You don't want marriage and children, Agreste. You're not worthy enough to have that, you don't deserve it." He told himself as he sat back against the wall, eyes closed and head on the wonderful cold tiles. It felt so good against the vice like grip on his head.

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