Chapter 16

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Adrien woke up the next morning with a smile gracing his face. For the first morning since his injury he didn't feel like a let down. He felt good about himself. He felt good about his impending interview at SciencePro, and he felt good about his relationship. He was beginning to wonder if it was actually as fake as they both thought because that kiss last night felt real. It didn't feel fake in the slightest, and he'd enjoyed it to the point where he wanted to kiss her again.

Sighing, he placed an arm over his eyes. He needed to snap out of this. Marinette deserved more. She deserved a lot more than some washed up has-been. But he didn't want her to want more, he wanted her to want him. For the first time in his life he wanted a woman to want him, maybe even to need him. With another exasperated sigh, he made his way out of his bed and into the kitchen.

Perhaps it was the thrill of the chase with Marinette that was inspiring him? Knowing he couldn't have her. Nah, there's no point him lying to himself. It was her. Everything about her made him happy. Her smile, her laugh, her selflessness, her anger. He let out a laugh as he pulled his coffee cup out the cupboard. Ms. Dupain-Cheng was certainly something.

His phone vibrated against the granite worktop, where he'd left to charge the previous night. Leaving his coffee under the machine, he picked up his phone. He wasn't going to admit it out loud, but he was hoping the message was from a certain blunette. Unfortunately it was from another blunette. Kagami.

Hello. When are you free today?

Obviously Kagami still had her loving attitude, he laughed to himself. She was demanding and blunt. When he thought back to it, he couldn't understand why he'd taken the relationship with Kagami so seriously. Trailing through their past, he realised she was the one who he thought was going to change him. She was so adamant they were meant to be he believed it.

Not sure. Why? He responded.

If he had the choice he wouldn't see her again at all. Unfortunately, though, fate had other plans and she'd managed to wiggle herself into his friendship group. How had she made it there anyway? She'd been friends with Marinette, but no one else seemed to have liked her.

Making his way back to the fridge, he pulled out the cream to add to his coffee. Why would she be contacting him? They hadn't exactly parted on friendly terms. It had been almost a year since they had any contact at all. Plus it wasn't like he'd actually meet up with her until he'd spoken to Marinette about it anyway. Meeting up with his ex-girlfriend would not be seen as family friendly. His phone signalled again.

There's things we need to discuss, for example your new relationship.

He quickly tapped his response.

I'm not quite sure why we need to do that.

Placing his phone down again, he couldn't help but feel baffled. What had any of this got to do with her? Finishing his coffee creation he took it into the lounge area, along with his phone, before settling down and turning on the television. The first thing he saw was his fathers face on the news.

"What a bastard!" The urge to throw the coffee cup at the television was unbelievable.

"We always create the most original designs for Paris Fashion Week and I'm sure this year we'll be the talk of Paris again."

"Yeah right." Adrien sneered at his fathers televised face. He was interrupted from his rant by the sound of his phone receiving his next message of the day.

Morning kitty! Just watching the news and want to smash my tv. Any guesses why? x

He laughed to himself as he thought about how he was just feeling and thinking the exact same thing.

A Renewed Friendship [An Adrienette Story]Where stories live. Discover now