Chapter 15

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As Chloé stood in front of their table all Adrien and Marinette could do was look between her and each other.

"Nice to see you again, Chloé." Marinette finally broke the silence as the blonde stood with her hands on her hips facing Paris' newest lovebirds.

Marinette would usually be intimidated, but considering they were in her third home, behind her own and her parents, there was some sort of instinct that told her to not fear the wrath of Chloé Bourgeois. It also helped that she was here with Adrien Agreste. She's the one that had tamed the beast, well fake tamed the beast. Ok, so she hadn't actually tamed anything but Chloé didn't know that.

"Chloé, is there anything we can help you with? You're kind of intruding on our date." Adrien was next to speak up. Looking at the blonde socialite with a raised eyebrow.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come away with me for the weekend?" She spoke only to Adrien, blocking out the entirety of Marinette with her body. With her hand positioned on the table, Chloé leaned over to line her body up with Adrien. "I've invested in the new Gabriel lingerie line."

She dropped Adrien a wink and he couldn't help feel the whole of his body quiver and then shrivel up. He couldn't believe how upfront Chloé was being and in front of Marinette too.

He found it hard to control his laughter as Marinette moved her head to the side and pulled a face at him. She continued pulling faces and Adrien finally let himself laugh. Chloe's face changed to one of disgust as she took her hand off the table. Adrien was pretending to cough, covering up the laughing fit just starting up.

Chloé looked over at Marinette to be met with a pearly white smile from the young designer.  For once in her life Marinette felt comfortable, she felt secure and she felt like she was winning. Even though it was fake, it made her feel happy Adrien was here by her side.

"Sorry Chloé," Adrien spoke up, "but my weekend is going to be taken up with this nightmare sitting opposite me."

"Seriously Adrien! You're choosing a weekend of what? Playing video games with her? Over a weekend of hot, passionate sex with me?" Chloe turned her attention back to Adrien and the anger could be seen radiating off her.

"First of all; she has a name and its Marinette. And secondly, to be perfectly honest with you, there's nothing I'd actually find more enjoyable than playing video games with my stunning girlfriend." He smiled a genuine smile in the direction of Chloé before she stormed off in a rage.

"Wow! You sure you've made the right choice?" She looked over at Adrien, who seemed to be studying Chloé's rear as she stalked away.

"Family friendly Mari!" He responded. Still looking at the retreating blonde.

Marinette felt herself shift in the seat at how uncomfortable she felt watching Adrien, watching Chloé.

"You could kid me!" Adrien turned his head sharply back to Marinette.

"What does that mean?" Marinette sat back in her chair and looked over at her fake boyfriend. Her arms crossed tightly across her chest, defending herself from the possible heartbreak she was about to endure. This whole thing was not a good idea. Why did she agree to it?

"You may as well been drooling the way you were looking at her ass!" Marinette stated looking Adrien in the eye.

"Jealous are you?" Adrien sat back and mirrored her actions. If she was going to be defensive, he was going to be defensive too.

Marinette looked away in silence, catching the back end of Chloé as she walked out of Master Fu's. Marinette gasped in shock and covered her mouth.

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