Chapter 11

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As Adrien pushed his way through the crowds it was too late. He saw her take a drink from her glass, drinking her wine and whatever abomination had been added into it. Alya was following quickly on his tail shouting after him, however the crowds were too much and kept blocking her. She stood stock still as Adrien reached the bar, and ultimately Marinette.

"What do you think you're playing at?" Adrien grabbed one of the guys by the back of his cheap knock off shirt and pulled him away from Marinette.

"Adrien?" Marinette answered looking up. Her eyes had clouded and Adrien could see her begin to sway on the stool. He was terrified. He shouldn't have left her, this was his fault. The way his heart was thumping in his neck brought up a wave of nausea. He pulled out his phone to text his driver. He needed to get her home, she needed to get this drug out of her body. She needed to be safe.

He kept repeating in his head that it was his fault. Poor sweet Marinette. He shouldn't have gotten her mixed up into all this. He really wasn't good for her. Reaching out he wrapped his arms around her waist and kept her seated on the stool. Placing his head into her hair and taking a deep breath. The smell kept him grounded. It kept him in the moment, he needed to help her. It was his job to help her.

Alya had finally reached her best friend when the colour drained out of her face.

"Adrien, what's happened?" The guys began to move away and make a run for it. Fortunately, when it came to friendship groups, theirs was one of the tightest physical bonds. Before the two guys could make a run for it Kim and Nino had managed to grab hold of them, whilst Max walked over with security. Adrien looked down at Marinette. She was staring at the floor with her head bouncing ever so slightly up and down.

Delicately he placed one hand under her chin to lift her face to his. She'd lost colour in her cheeks. The usual beautiful rosey glow which radiated from the moonlight she emitted, was dull and non-existent. He stroked his thumb under her eyes as tears began to trail down her colourless cheeks.

"Mari? Princess? Look at me, sweetie." As Adrien spoke he could hear the ruckus surrounding him, and he was quite sure Alya was on the verge of killing the two guys who were now restrained by the security guards, and from what he would gather, Kim.

Marinette looked up at Adrien before seemingly loosing the coordination in her neck and flopping back down. He was panicking, seriously panicking. He needed to get her out of there. Scooping her up like the damsel in distress she was, he marched his way to the bars entrance. The sea of people seemed to part as he walked through, hugging a small fragile Marinette to his chest.

"Adrien?" He heard her whisper as her head bounced into his chest.

"Yes Princess, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I don't feel too good."

"I know, sweetie. I'm going to take you home and call a doctor." Adrien continued walking through the make shift aisle towards the exit as Alya came running towards him.

"Please, stay with me." Marinette whispered, hugging onto Adrien's neck. "I need you."

"I'll stay as long as you want."

Alya matched up to Adrien's side completely taken aback by their declarations to each other. Perhaps there was something there. She wasn't sure what or even how all this had happened but the way Adrien was treating Marinette made her think of an action film; when the leading hero saves his leading lady. There was obviously something deep and meaningful between the two of them and it made her heart swell.

"Adrien, can I come with you please? I'm so sorry for pulling you away." Adrien didn't stop walking but turned his head towards the brunette running alongside. The security on the door opened up and allowed them out.

A Renewed Friendship [An Adrienette Story]Where stories live. Discover now