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I dreaded going to the office knowing that he might be there, but I had no other option. If I don't go that means he wins, and he was able to scare me off. He might suspect that I'm hiding something and that's the last thing I want.
So that morning I got dressed and left to work.

when I arrived at the office, I was told that Lucas was already there, but I expected that he is always early and he probably is doing this to annoy me.

I really wonder what the hell got into me when I accepted this, I should've said no and shoved him right through the door, but that asshole...

"Good morning" he greeted with a stupid grin on his face.

God, why is this creature here why? 

I didn't reply I just went straight to my office.

"Seriously, you're ignoring me right now, really mature" he followed behind me.

Do it for Alice.  Do it for Alice 

I still didn't say anything, he was trying to provoke me and I wasn't going to let him. I sat down and brought the first file I could find to get myself busy.

Lucas sat in front of me quietly watching my every move, I didn't look at his face, but I could feel his eyes following. we sat there in silence, I was reminded of that time when he asked me to sit quietly in his office. Who knew that after that moment all of this would happen. 

"Why won't you speak to me?" he broke the silence that I was getting used to, I wasn't going to say a word but I've had enough.

"Why are you here Lucas?"

"We're working together, remember?"

"No, what I meant why are you here, in this city, in this office, what do you want?" I could tell that he wasn't expecting me to ask such a question as if he wasn't prepared to answer.

"I...I... Because of me, you were hurt, because of my foolishness and stupidity, and I lost you. I know that I can't fix anything, but I was at least hoping for your forgiveness"

"Is that why you became our client? Forgiveness?" I couldn't control myself anymore. "After all you've done you want forgiveness? After all, you've put me through, you want forgiveness? Just go Lucas, go. There is nothing for you here anymore" I could see the hurt that my words caused in his eyes, but what about me? what about my heart, my soul that was left in pieces?

"I can't go, not just now. I now there is nothing... left for me here, But I cant' help but ask-

"Fine, if forgiveness is what you want, and if it will make you leave, then I forgive you, you can be at ease, just leave me alone from now on." A part of me was screaming LIAR, LIAR. You don't want him to leave, but when I recall Alice's face I shake those ideas away.

"No, not like this. I guess I really am a selfish man" he took a step towards me, then another one, and another one, until I was cornered between him and the wall behind me. "I can't live only with your forgiveness, I want it all, I want all of you; your forgiveness, your love, your passion. I can't let you be with another man, call me a d*ck, call me selfish, but that's who I am, when it comes to you I'm the most selfish man on earth. Yes I made a mistake and I'm willing to spend a lifetime making up for it, just be with me, love me again, look at me, be my Emily Again" 

I won't be fooled, not this time, I won't fall into his trap.

I tried to push him away from me, refusing to let his words intoxicate me again, but he was putting even more effort to keep a hold on me and block me against the wall, his hands holding me tight, and his eyes cornering my every move.

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